Chapter 11

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* oh my gawd, i never would have imagined that I would get over 200 reads!! thank you so much! This really means a lot to me! My brother pestered me to make him a character sooo... that will be added in this chapter. Bro: You are freaking annoying, luv ya! Your character won't really do anything, but you'll know him when you read his part! Um... Keep reading! XD These chapters are getting longer, at least they're more than just one page long! OK, this is also a reakky long author's note... But I want to hear comments and stuff! Tell me what I should do to make it better! and stuff! Oh yeah, back to Duncan's POV, but might change, like last chapter, You know the drill!!*

Chapter 11: Directions From a Dwarf

                                                                                 The scientist looked down at the crumpled form of Art. Why did she have to mess up her arm even more by beating the S$!# out of Sjin? We would have been able to take out the bullet by now if she hadn't been so rash, he thought, looking at the wound. Rythian carefully poked at the bullet hole and Art twitched horribly on the ground. "Stop!" Duncan shoved Rythian away, "Your going to hurt her. She's coming around already."

                                                                                   Rythian walked away, muttering something about love birds. "Oh yeah, Duncan muttered, "like you and Zoey isn't a thing." Rythian turned and glared at him. Duncan grinned back at the mage. Art groaned. "Ow, what the f&%$?" Art glared at him. "I was about to kill Sjin, why did you stop me?" Duncan didn't think that she was joking, which was kind of creepy. "Um, Art, you have a bullet lodged in you arm." The scientist said, not sure if she was done being mad at him.

                                                                                  She looked at her arm. "Oh yeah." Then she groaned again. "Gawd, now it hurts. Geez.." She sat up and leaned against the wall of the, now empty, building. Duncan pulled out his labcoat and put it on, immediately feeling better. "Give me your arm, Art." he said, sitting next to her. She winced as he poked gingerly around the wound. At least it had stopped bleeding, though it would soon start again.

                                                                               "Rythian?" Duncan called to the mage, who was making sure that the others were all right. Jen had a small piece of shrapnel embedded in her arm, and Ty sported a bloody nose, but that was the extent of the injuries. "What, scientist?" He walked over and looked at Duncan. "We need to get this thing out.  Art is going to have to be knocked out." She glared at them. "Guys, I'm sitting right here. You are most definitely are not  going to knock me out, unless you want an arrow sticking out of you forehead."

                                                                                    "Fine." said Duncan, rubbing his forehead. She was really tiring him out. Though, he thought now, she can't really fire a bow if she only has one arm functional. "Just fish it out or something." Art said, poking at the hole and wincing. What they needed was something that made sure that they wouldn't have to actually touch her arm. Duncan was very apposed to the idea of hurting her. Hmm... he thought, They needed a magnet. He had seen that gun, it shot steel bullets, a magnetic metal.

                                                                                  Duncan patted his pockets. I always keep a magnet with me, he thought, rummaging in the pocket. "Here we go." he muttered as he pulled out the homemade horseshoe magnet. The mage looked at him like he was crazy, which was slightly true, depending on how you looked at it. "Ok, Art, give me your arm." The scientist placed the magnet against the wound and she gritted her teeth.

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