Chapter 9

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*Note: lets just say that italics mean dreams, OK? Good. Idon't care about that, just read the story, g(j)eez. And this chapter is going to be from Art's POV. Next chapter might be from her POV too... maybe not.  And its POV with "I" and "Me" but like what I have been doing with Duncan. Warning: Feels ... unless ur a weirdo*

Chapter 9: Art's Way of Telling Things

                                                                      Art sat, curled up in her cell, and stared at the wall. She hugged the shrinkable plush creeper to her chest. All she had was the plushie and her wand. Art had been searched, it was true, but it had been a hasty crude search. The creeper, when in small mode, was only the size of he little finger. She had to get the f%$# out of this place, she thought. What if, she thought suddenly, she could forge a mind link with Duncan? Then he could come get her!

                                                                        She had seen the one that was between Rythian and Zoey. A sort of ghostly string that stretched between their heads. It wouldn't have to be that hard to do. So Art took out her wand and sat cross legged on the floor, before remembering her plushie. "Sorry, Mr. Astley, but I have to do something." She bushed his frowny face and he shrank into a hard, tiny creeper, which Art shoved in her pocket. Now she was ready to do magic.

                                                                     Art sat on the floor and put the tip of her wand to her temple. She tried to picture the scientist as vividly as possible. She remembered his green eyes, bright with a sh$% ton of knowledge, his white labcoat, that usually smelled like engine grease, and his blonde hair, which looked kind of orange-y  in the sunlight. Art sighed, she had had a smallish crush on him for a while now. After the visualization part of the spell was done, she imagined a small ghostly thread stretching from her head to his and flicked her wand in what Art fervently hoped was wherever Duncan was.

                                                                             Art opened her eyes and looked around, she didn't feel anything. But there was a faint blue glow coming from her eyes, maybe that meant something.  She felt something click in her brain and passed out, slumped against the cell wall. Still clutching her slightly vibrating wand.

                                                                   Art stood up, looking at her surroundings. Well, she thought, they aren't very much of surroundings, are they? Everything is white. She spotted something over to her right and started running towards it as fast as she could. "DUNCAN!" she screamed as she ran. He for some reason wasn't wearing his labcoat, which was strange, but Art didn't give a f@#$. The mind link had worked!

                                                                   When Duncan saw her he grinned and opened his arms. Art ran headlong into them and hugged him fiercely. "Duncan, I was so scared." She said, the grey shirt that he wore under his labcoat smelled like magic and stone. "Art," Duncan said, releasing her and holding her at arms length. He looked sad, Art didn't know why, "I don't know how I'm going to save you. Rythian is going to try, but I don't think that I can."  He looked around the white plane, his face paler than usual. "I actually think that I'm dead."

                                                                    Art staggered, then slumped to the ground. "But, Duncan, why?"  He looked down at her, concern etched across his face. "Art, do you remember anything? Anything from before you came to me?" Art looked at him, did she want to tell him? She might as well, she thought brokenly. "Rythian is my brother." Duncan didn't look surprised, did he already know?

                                                                 "Art, Rythian will try to save you, don't worry about that. I just won't be there, probably. I mean, there is always the small chance that I'll live" He looked as if this would reassure her. Art suddenly felt a prick of anger at the scientist, she didn't even know quite why. She stood up and slapped him, hard, across the face. Duncan staggered away from her, holding one side of his face. But instead of being mad, like she thought he would be, he just sighed. "I have to go, Art." He looked kind of sheepish.

                                                                      "No." said Art, putting a hand on his chest, right over his heart. "Not yet. Not until I say so. You are not going to die." Her eyes glowed brightly and she leaned in, their noses almost touching. "Art," He said, "What the f%$# are you doing?" She glared at him, not mad at him, just the problem. "Silence, scientist. Now, where did you get shot?" Duncan concentrated for a moment before replying. "1 and 3/4 inches from the right side of my heart." Honestly, did she expect her to know where that was? Art narrowed her eyes at him and he caught on. "Right here." He pointed at a spot on his chest.

                                                                               Art mentally marked the spot as she pulled out her wand. She could feel her eyes were glowing like crazy, but she couldn't do much about it. She Poked the tip of the wand into the spot that Duncan had marked. She would not let him die! He would not die if she had any say in it. She sure hoped she had som e say in it. Art narrowed her eyes further and muttered a simple life spell in Thaum. Again, something clicked in her brain and she slumped to the ground, her eye glow fading.

                                                                          Duncan looked down on her and gently picked her up of the ground. "Art," he said, I really have to go." Art looked at him, almost a head taller, indeed, he was getting more see through. Duncan looked as if he was embarrassed about something, what? The scientist bent down slightly and kissed her on the mouth. Oh, was all Art could think, oh. Duncan pulled back, blushing. "Art," He started, but was cut off by a blinding light.

                                                                         Art closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them, she was in her cell in Sjips Co. Sjin looked in through the bars of her cell with a wicked grin on his face. "Wakey, wakey. You have some friends here. Lets go say 'Hi', shall we? Art discreetly shoved her wand up her sleeve and held her head high. There was no f%$#ing way Sjin was going to see how scared she was. She looked at the man who was imprisoning her, and for a second, she thought she saw a flicker of the fear that she felt reflected in his eyes. But this was quickly gone.

                                                                             Sjin shoved the barrel of his gun against Art's temple and marched her out to the hole in the wall that Art assumed had been blasted by Rythian when he had come to save Zoey. She saw the tip of Rythian's cape disappear around the corner.

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