Everybody Knows...Oh Wait, No They Don't!

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Chapter 15: Indi's POV

I lay there debating with myself. Do I dare open my eyes at the risk of everything being a dream. Or do I stay here, possibly deluding myself further? Difficult choice. I squiggled right down under my cosy duvet holding onto the threads of the beautiful dream I'd had last night. Aaron, me, the stars, the night sky. And with that last thought I jumped. I mean I literally jumped up and hurled my covers off of me to be hit by a wall of freezing cold air, even through my very attractive fleecy winter penguin pyjamas. Definitely awake now. No chance of pretending that last night really happened.

A horrendous sound started up, so very loud and violent to my half asleep ears. On, then off; on then off. Due to having just woken up it took me a few minutes to realise it was my phone - I also realised I feel quite popular, the number of times I've had texts or calls over the past few days; I don't normally have half as many - vibrating on my bedside table. It was slowly working it's way towards the edge and was just about to fall when I grabbed it.

"Morning Beautiful," came his sexy voice from the speaker.

"Morning," I replied groggily. 

"Just ringing to check you hadn't changed your mind about coming to prom with me. I know how you girls like to change your minds." Ahh! So it wasn't a dream. Last night did actually happen! YAY! Unless I'm still asleep and dreaming. I pinched myself. Nope definitely awake. Ouch that hurt! Right, back to this phone call.

"Hmmm, now what happens if I have Aaron? What ya gonna do about it huh?" I teased him flirtatiously. Wow! Playing hard to get AGAIN! And it's getting way easier! Who knew?

"Well, I could think of a couple of things," he flirted back with me in a deep, husky tone. "But Inds you are still coming with me right?" Aaron asked. Aww! He sounds so concerned like I might actually ditch him. Fat chance! He's stuck with me now!

"Of course babe. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my prom. I'll be the luckiest girl there."

"And I'll be the luckiest guy. I'll see you later then? Perhaps back up at the woods after school... No wait, after the meeting right. I forgot we had that today."

I agreed and we said our goodbyes before I staggered to the bathroom to get ready for school. 


"Who were you on the phone to so early?" Dani quizzed as I munched my way through my bowl of chocolate cereal. 

I raised my eyebrow at her. Spying little sod. Why was it any of her business? I was just harmlessly flirting with Aaron friggin' Knighte! Where's the problem with that? Everyone's allowed to flirt with a rock star on their mobile phone at seven in the morning if they can find one! Last time I checked there was no law against flirting with famous people.

"Tabby wanted to know what time the meeting went on til after school today. She has to go out later," I lied smoothly.

She nodded back at me. Ha! Sucka! I grinned as I finished off my glass of orange juice (no bits - who even likes the pulpy crap in juice, it's minging and gets stuck in your teeth. Urgh! Vile) and put all my stuff into the dishwasher. I was halfway to the door when B.F.U.'s 'Do Ya?' came on the radio and so I stopped to rock out for a while longer. 

"Makin' a list of things that I miss whenever we're far apart. The way that you kiss, the taste of your lips, I'm telling you from the heart. Coz baaaby, I just wanna knoooow. Do ya, do ya do ya love me?" I sung along loudly with their magnificent voices as I jumped around the kitchen like a loon on loon tablets; as you do. 

As the song ended and the monotonous drone of the presenter returned I strolled satisfied out of the kitchen and up the stairs, gaining a funny look from Zac as I passed him in the hallway outside the living room. 

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