Sick of Waiting

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Chapter 8: Indi's POV

Today was the first time I'd have proper classes since a couple of weeks ago; usually I was allowed to miss them on account of having loads to do for the dance. Other than a free period first thing I actually had art, drama, maths and English. Not that these were going to be particularly inspiring, mainly due to the fact that the teachers were all in their wind-down-to-Christmas-holidays mode. Really there was little point in being at school at all.

It was going to take me all of my free period and probably part of break to sort out the pictures from the previous day. I sat myself down with a cup of hot chocolate on one of the comfy sofas in the Sixth Year lounge and logged onto my laptop. I begun to sing 'Smile' while I waited; I loved that song, especially Aaron's voice when he sings, yum!

A picture of me, Dani, Tabby and April flashes up on the screen - it was taken outside the venue at the last B.F.U. concert we went to. We met the support - That Sunday Feeling - who were really cool and I've been a big fan ever since; I love their song 'You're So Vain', it's just amazing.

Over five hundred pictures to sort through - this was going to be fun! How dreadful it was going to be having to spend hours looking at exclusive picture after exclusive picture of four insanely hot guys. I pity myself I really do. But duty calls, and if I must...

* * *

"Have you seen Tabby?" Zac asked me.

"Erm, nope not since registration first thing. Why? What are you even doing here Zac?" I replied with more questions.

He shook his head and turned and strode off again. I think he's gone mad, he doesn't even go to school, let alone this one so why had he come in? What did he want Tabby for? I turn back to the screen, the bell for break ringing in my ears.

"How's it going?" Tabby suddenly appeared as I looked at yet another picture of Seb.

This was seriously starting to get tedious, and I'm more overly obsessed than most but there are only so many times you can look at a group of very similar photos trying to decide which one is best before getting extremely a) bored and b) annoyed. Although, their faces were beautiful in each and every single photograph in my opinion so it was very difficult. Their average and the normal person's average are two totally different things. The band's worst is near perfection; their average perfect and their best are just insane - totally, astronomically, gigantically, gorgeously and completely amazing. They are like super-humans with a strange but enviable power of looking gorgeous whenever they want, whatever they are doing - without actually having to do anything at all. If I could wake up and look hot without doing anything at all then I would have way more time in the day. Imagine it, all the free time not spent straightening or curling or washing or drying my hair; or putting on make-up; or making sure my clothes looked nice. Wow.

"Alright, nearly done now I think. Should be after all the time I've spent on it! Zac was just in here looking for you by the way. Any idea why?" I replied.

She shook her head confusedly.

"Which one, first or second?" I asked her as she looked over my shoulder on the pretence of checking the pictures whilst reaching for a bag of Party Rings on the table next to me. She grabbed a Ring and stuffed it into her open mouth before turning to examine the photos.

The first had the group posing with myself and the Art Committee and the Techs. The second showed one of the band with all the different committees standing in their groups around them with me in the centre.

"Dunno, just bung them both in the folder, we can narrow them down later once we've seen the selection you've given us to choose from," came her mumbled voice as she tried to speak through her mouthful of food without covering my laptop screen in crumbs.

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