Move Over Drama Queens

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  • Dedicated to Kate Stone

Chapter 1: Indi's POV

The sound reverberated around the small space, bouncing painfully off my eardrums. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" was all I could think. I closed my eyes and tried to block it out. Unsuccessful however, I turned round to face the direction the noise was coming from. In the dark I could barely see anything except for a dim light coming from under the door and the flashing white screen of a phone, synchronised with the dreadful noise that was emanating from it. I looked accusingly at the light, and a pair of apologetic eyes gazed back at me.

* * *

I forced my way through the crowd that pressed in from all sides, elbowing those who hindered my progress. My long dark hair flicked and curled around my waist, whipping at my arms and hands that were clenched into fists. "Get out of the way, you bunch of fools!!" I hollered. My brown eyes were narrowed to slits as I looked through my mascaraed lashes at the girls around me. It was bedlam, the screaming teenage girls surged forwards, ever closer to their idols who stood so close now. Had they arrived at the allotted time, there wouldn't have been this chaos, I thought, but they had arrived early and now it was my job to sort it out.

"Get back. Come on. Go to your classes!" I shouted hopelessly. It wasn't worth the hassle, they weren't going to move. If I could just get to the front I would be able to speak to them in person and get everything back in working order.


Three months. That's how long it's taken me to organise this. Hours of hard work: planning, making phone-calls and endlessly chasing around checking up on how everything was progressing. God knows how many times I've stayed late going over plans and smoothing out last minute details to ensure it all went off without a hitch. I swore that if I am put on hold one more time and have to listen to some 'optimistic' jingle played to motivate the spirits of the poor soul stuck on the end of the line one more time, I will murder someone.

Unfortunately for my friends, it was usually one of them being used as a human stress ball. Both Tabby and April knew the risks of being around me when I'm angry and they both feel fully justified when swiftly slapping me in order to prevent having a list of everything wrong with the world spewed in their faces.

In my mind I have known everything about this night since primary school when April, Tabby and I had spent hours dressing up and making collages of the perfect looks for our moment in the limelight; and creating play lists of our favourite songs for the evening; and staying up all night imagining how everything would turn out.


A hundred overexcited girls (give or take a few) and four stupidly early arrivals were not about to mess up a dream that had taken me over six years to put into action. Not now. No way!

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