A New Strategy

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Jaxia wandered about the corridors, invisible, and stumbled into a room dodging a large squad of slefah, ogres, and cyclopses.  When she closed the door behind her she found herself in a bedroom, and besides everything in the room being decorated with spikes and most of the furniture being metal it was all rather ornately designed.  Perhaps this was where Hurvun himself slept.

She wandered over next to a full length mirror, which was odd being there as sorcerers didn't have a reputation for vanity.  Witches did.  A strange oddity that no one had ever explained, of course Hurvun might have been an exception.

Jaxia was about to move past it when the reflection changed.  Her image faded away, replaced by a large image of Kemra's face.  Jaxia looked at her surprised.

"Kemra?" she said curiously. "A scrying spell?  What"

"Jaxia," said Kemra.  "I'm glad you're here.  We need your help.  Leevan has an idea to beat Hurvun."

"Another one?" said Jaxia. "We've had a lot of those, and none of them seem to have worked.  Still, I suppose it's worth a try, whatever it is."

"Alright.  We need mirrors."

"That's it?"

"That's our part at least.  Leevan will go after Hurvun himself."

Jaxia looked at her in disbelief. "What it in the world is he planning to do?"

Hurvun stood with Normir chained to the wall next to him, his golden cloak shimmering against the light from the window.  Behind him was the spell everyone was looking for, a metal statue of a cyclops in armor, standing on a podium covered with symbols.  This spell made the cyclopses believe that the other races were after their metal craft.

He turned to Normir and said, "Your friends are certainly taking their time."

"What friends?" asked Normir.

"Don't play that with me.  With that invisibility spell there are bound to be some that slipped away.  No matter." He looked back towards the entrance. "I have a few surprises for them when they get here."

Normir looked nervous, "What are you going to do?"

Hurvun grinned. "Do?  My dear young cyclops.  I've already done it."

Normir didn't understand, but he didn't have time to question him.  The door to the room opened and Leevan stepped in, visible.  He was wearing his ugly battle armor provided by Normir and carried a sword at his side.  He looked straight and at Hurvun and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"I haven't a clue," said the cyclops sorcerer.

"Well, you're about to find out.  I am the least desired magician in the order of the sun.  A pauper compared to you.  And you know what?  I am the one who will be your downfall."

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