Yet Another New Plan

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Leevan and Normir searched, but they couldn't find the spell.  It was hard enough when they had to avoid slefah, ogres, and other cyclops, even while invisible, but to do that while searching for something?  It wasn't easy.  Besides, Leevan had to come to a conclusion.

"The spell is hidden," said Leevan. "Hurvun must have concealed it somehow."

"Leevan" began Normir.

"I hate to admit it," said Leevan. "I really do...but I think we need to find Maelin.  He must have found the spell somehow.  His eye enchantment could easily let him"

"Leevan," said Normir. "I'm going to reveal myself."

They stopped.  Leevan looked, but of course they were both still invisible.  He shook his head and spoke, "What do you mean?"

"I'm going to tell the cyclopses the truth," said Normir. "That Hurvun has cast a spell to make them think other nations want their metal craft."

"Normir, they won't believe you."

"I have to try.  Finding the spell isn't working."

"It won't if we give up!" Leevan was shocked.

"You won't.  You find it.  I have to do this."

"Normir, I need you to break the spell!"

"Leevan, if there's one thing I've learned about you it's that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.  You'll find a way...I know it.  If anything this will give you a good distraction to get to the spell.  But Leevan, I have to do this.  My people cannot stay in the dark forever."

Leevan imagined Normir's face turning from despair to smiling when he said that.  He had no idea what Normir really looked like at that moment, all he knew was that Normir's hand, which had been on Leevan's shoulder, suddenly went away.  Leevan reached around for his invisible friend, but Normir was gone.

"Normir?" Leevan called to no answer. "Normir?!"

He couldn't shout too loud.  He would be discovered.  He stood there, invisible, trying to decide what to do.  There was nothing for it.  He would have to find Maelin and break the spell himself.  Normir was the only way to break the spell without magic, but Leevan had magic.  It would have to be enough to do this.

But, as Leevan went in search of Maelin, he honestly wasn't sure that it was.

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