Chapter 12- He Stole My Heart and Returned It Broken

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-One Week Later-

Frank and I were walking down the street, doing random things. He was wearing a hat that shaded his face, and sunglasses. He was barely recognizable. Frank pulled me into a shop and hugged me."What is it Frank?" I asked looking at his pained expression. " This isn't working out, I mean, us. We are just too different to be together." He explained looking truly sorry. "I think we should break up." His voice cracked at the last two words. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and backed away dazed. He reached for me and I pulled away, talking his hat and shades with me. "OH MY GOD IT'S FRANK IERO!!!" I yelled and ran away. After a group of girls attacked him I ran out the shop door and didn't stop. I ran and ran in the direction of the house. I stopped when I saw it. There was a car in the driveway I didn't recognize but it didn't process in my brain. I walked in the door. Everyone was piled on the couch with their heads hung low. A man stepped out of the corner and over to me. He introduced himself, "I am Mr. Jones, from the orphanage you were taken to after your parents died. I hate to be the one to tell you this. Your foster parents died this morning in a car crash. We suspect they were drunk. Since you are at least eighteen, the house and all their belongings are yours now. I am so very sorry, but I have to go now. Call me if you need anything." With that he walked out the door. I sat on the floor and let the tears collect on my shirt, I cried for about an hour and I noticed Frank hadn't come back yet. I walked up the stairs to the bathroom, no, I didn't have to go. I had something different in mind. I creaked the door open and sprawled out on the floor, and cried some more. I stood up and looked in the mirror, my face was tear stained and puffy. My eyes were red and they had shadows under them. I looked all around ugly. No wonder Frank broke up with me. No! I had to forget about that. I grabbed the side of the mirror and opened it. I reached in and my hand came back with what I needed to forget. A razor blade. I walked to the door and closed it, I wanted to be found, just not right away. I sat against the wall opposite of the door. I set the blade in my palm and looked at it. I squeezed it tightly letting the edge dig into my fingers. The pain felt good.I smiled to myself and let the blood slip through my fingers and puddle on the floor. I switched hands and repeated the cutting. I took the razor and posed it on top of my wrist. I thought about all the things going wrong, Frank dosen't love me, my foster parents and real parents are dead, I'm most likely not going on tour with the guys, and I don't have a way to pay for the house. I pushed the razor deep and dragged it across my wrist. I switched wrists and did it again. I loved the feel of the blood gushing out. I set the blade down as my vision blurred and started going dim. My body felt free, sitting a pool of my blood. Then everything went black.

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