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I looked around the familiar building and I felt nostalgia hit me in waves. I was back at the orphanage, but this time for a different reason. My fiance Darcie and I want to finally have a new addition to our family. And though we both thought artificial insemination was a good idea, adopting a child where we once were would be a better idea. Adopting a child, giving them a home, giving them something I've never had. Giving them the attention Darcie never really had, that Celeste never had.

When Darcie came back four years ago, I was at the happiest point in my life. Miraculously, Simon had waken up a month before she was back. After she left for Paris, his movements began to happen more frequently. Now, he's finally getting his life back on track. Getting his teacher's certificate and started teaching. Who knew that was his passion? Everything was starting to fall into place. When Darcie started medical school, I decided I had had enough not doing anything with my life and started working as an auto mechanic for this car shop nearby. It isn't as fancy as a doctor but at least I'm making something on my own.

Celeste? Well, she's doing good, she called Darcie recently and asked to speak to me. She sounded happy, she was gushing to me on and on about her new neighbour, and how cute she was, she's also working as a waitress at some restaurant. I was so happy for her, and all at once, any guilt I was feeling, any that was left, fell off my shoulders.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I came upon a red light. I glanced at the large, white card on the passenger seat that I made so she could find me easily. I smiled despite my mind being in complete disarray. My nerves are tingling and my body was humming with anticipation. Today is the day Darcie is coming home from Paris. I've been counting down the days since she'd left to complete university, and I've missed her so much. I missed her so much that it felt like I was suffering from some kind of freaking heart disease; it hurt that much.

The light changed to green and I anxiously sped down the road to the airport. I arrived five minutes later and stood in the terminal waiting, my nerves twitching with excitement, I'm going to see see Darcie. My Darcie, again.

It took about three minutes, but then I saw her, just a glimpse of her blonde hair through the crowd of people coming through to the terminal. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face upon seeing her finally spot me. I took the chance to hold up the card.

She broke out laughing and ran up to me, I held down the sign and she stepped in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"French toast? Really?!" She exclaimed the words I wrote on the card.

I couldn't hold back anymore, I pulled her into a crushing hug and I felt every nerve, every thought, fade away as I felt her body melt into mine.

"I missed you," I admitted.

"Feels good to be home."

We walked around, looking at the children playing through the large house. We were surrounded by giggles and yells and something about it warmed my heart. I felt Darcie squeeze my arm and pulled me towards the back.

"Would you like to look outside?" She asked, smiling that breathtaking smile. She was now twenty-eight and her smile still had the same captivating beauty as it did five years ago.

"Sure," I replied.

We made our way outside to more giggling, screaming children. I looked around and saw them playing on swings and slides and the monkey bars. I couldn't remember ever playing on these growing up here. I was always chased away by all the kids that never wanted to play with me for some reason. But, I didn't care, I had Darcie to play with all the while. My heart swelled with happiness as the thought of us being there for each other was always a constant, even back then. Although, when she left, things did get harder.

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