||Chapter Fifteen||

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The room I was in smelled musty and raw. Like week old socks and rancid meat. I couldn't see where I was due to the blindfold and I was bound and gagged. I had just woken up after some goons – I'm assuming they work for Dan – grabbed me in an alley when I was on my way back to the apartment, and threw me in the back of a van. While in the van I had put up a fight with both of them, and that's when one of them violently slammed my head against the side of the van. That was the last thing I remember before waking up now.

I winced as I felt a sharp pain in my head, my hands were tied behind my back so I couldn't feel the area but I knew for a fact that I was bleeding at the side of my head; a small cut there from the force of me getting slammed into the van. I tried pushing myself off of the ground, each time to no avail. My legs being tied as well making it even harder to maneuver myself up. The more I tried, the less progress I made, and my arms were getting tired.

Defeated, I stopped trying and lay down on the cold damp floor. My thoughts then started to wonder, was Amelia worrying by now or did she not have a single idea of the situation I was in. Were both she and Celeste just there laughing it up, blissfully oblivious to my impending doom? Tears welled up behind my eyes as I feared the worst, I pissed Dan off and because of my stupid, mindless, impulsive mistake, I was going to pay for it. In probably the wickedest of ways.

My heart started beating feverishly in my chest as I heard footsteps approaching where I was. It sounded like more than one person. Behind the blind fold I squeezed my eyes tightly and bit down on the gag in order not to scream. My body was shaking in fear, as well as shivering from the cold. The footsteps stopped and I heard a door open. Their feet booming towards me, the steps sounded as if they were descending something but I wasn't sure as they were only getting louder and louder. I swore I was going to go into cardiac arrest due to how fast my heart beat was getting. I was helpless, putty in their hand.

They finally got to me and I heard a gruff voice fill the room, "Thought you could hide from us didn't you?" The man said. I didn't recognize the voice.

"I ought to get a good beating out of you for how you treated me," this voice I recognized as Red-fire's. I then thought back to all the times I've smart mouthed him and mentally kicking myself for being so provocative, "C'mere you!" He grabbed me by my hair, pulling me to my knees, I screamed in pain and fear but it only came out in low muffles, I felt the tears now, wetting the blindfold. I was already breaking out in a nervous sweat, fearing what was to come.

"I should get in a few good hits before Dan gets here shouldn't I?" He asked the other man, I could hear the smirk in his voice. I was shaking more so now. He was going to take out all his pent up rage on me.

Before I could think about how he would do this, I felt a sharp pain shoot across my face, he had slapped me, sending me careening for the cold floor. I landed on the the side where the cut was and screamed, doubling over in immense pain. Before I could get in a good cry however, he hand picked me back up by my hair once more and slapped me again, this time without letting go of my hair. He back hand slapped me on the next cheek and I just started screaming and crying as the constant blows to my face came in. There was nothing I could do. After about a minute, which was practically a lifetime, of being slapped repeatedly, the first man spoke, "Alright, that's enough, Dan'll take it from there."

Red-fire pushed me, making me fall backwards, I hit my head on landing. I groaned in pain and shifted to my side. I suppose I should be thankful that the man told him to stop, I don't know how much more of that I could take. My cheeks felt hot and they burned, probably even swollen from the constant abuse they just received, the corner of my lip burned too, indicating that they were cut. "Bitch," he muttered, "I hope Dan finally gets rid of your ass." He said, and I heard him walk off, leaving me with man number one. I was shaking and still fearful, wondering what was going to happen now. Will he also take his frustration out on me?

He reached behind my head and took off the blindfold, "You're an elusive bitch I'll tell you that," he started, "but maybe you deserve to see where you are, since it's the last place you'll ever see."

As the room came into focus, I looked at the man who was speaking, the single bulb that was in the middle of the room, flickered dimly and didn't allowed me to see much details of his face, but he had a buzz cut, a beard that matched his dark hair, dark eyes and was well built. He was in black jeans and a black tee and a dark colored jacket over it.

He got up and walked off without another word, leaving me alone once again. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in a basement. The heating system was down here, stairs descending to here and it was practically windowless, except for a tiny one at the opposite side of the room, allowing a little daylight to seep through, several boxes were strewn here and there around the room and a pipe line ran across the wall. My stomach churned at the smell of the room, I could hardly believe that I was in this situation. Everything felt so surreal, as if this was a sick nightmare that I needed to wake up from. The basement looked as if it was taken straight from a horror movie, doubling my fear when I heard creaking; my over reactive imagination wasn't thinking of the possibilities of that sound just being the rusty pipes. 

It was now quiet, apart from the occasional drip of water and my own breathing. I was practically panting, my breath ragged and coming out in muffles. I wish I could at least take off the gag. It was getting difficult to breathe as all my crying stuffed my sinuses. Tears were still flowing freely down down my cheeks, burning them on the way down. I was crying out of pain, out of hurt, out of fear. I stared up at the dim light in the middle of the room. This could very well be the last thing I ever see. I would never see Amelia again, never hearing her sarcasm, never seeing her beautifully striking eyes, her stubborn brashness that I grew to love.


That word...was this what I felt for Amelia? I could never describe what I'm feeling for her; but then again, does love really have a description? Science tells me that love is just a mixture of serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and other chemicals to create this cocktail known as love. But is this really what love is? Could love be so fallible and flawed? I've went over this dozens - maybe hundreds of times - in my head. After I left Amelia at the orphanage, I couldn't find myself getting attached to anyone, no relationship I had had lasted more than a mere month or two, yet it boggled my mind growing up when I was learning more. Why couldn't I get passed a simple childhood crush? I couldn't even consider it to be one at the time, but more of a fondness, a closeness that I had shared with no other person. So if this love was just mere chemicals in the brain, why couldn't they have gone away all of these years? Why did they plague me throughout my life. Willing me to look for Amelia, to see it it were true. Indeed I was taken aback by her sheer essence. My body showed all the signs of being 'in love'. I had never felt that way around anyone. No one held a candle to her.

Suddenly I heard a door open in a distance. My heart rate sped up even faster than before as the feeling of utter fear came washing over me ten fold. I heard talking now, but I couldn't hear anything clearly as it was indistinct. Booming footsteps started getting closer to me and I looked up the stairs for signs of anyone. The footsteps stop just at the top of the stairs, behind the door. 

"She's down here right?" My heart stopped when I heard that voice.

Dan is here.

A/N: I tried my best to keep this one short since most of the action is on Amelia's point of view. Any thoughts? 

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