||Chapter Nine||

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A/N: I'm sorry my updates are so far apart, it's been hell with school and my anxiety has been eating me alive. I try not to write much while anxious and so this took particularly long. Either way, hope you enjoy this chapter! ヽ(*≧ω≦)

It was about a year left before I had to officially leave the orphanage. I was getting too old to be considered a child. People who come to adopt want a cute seven to twelve year old; they want someone to groom, to grow. They can't do that with me. I'm ripe; I've reached my prime, gone are the days where I was an eager little kid, skin twitching with excitement every time a family walked through the large mahogany doors of the orphanage. Come to think of it... Those doors aren't so large anymore, which sinks in the feeling of me really getting too old for this place.

So as I sit on my bed--that now felt painfully small--I think about what I'm going to do after this, what I'm going to do with my future outside of these walls. Maybe I'll get to be a scientist, maybe I'll be a rock star, maybe I'll own my very own business one day. I smiled in spite of myself and fell back on my bed staring at, into, my ceiling; I searched for any answer that would reveal itself to me.

A knock at the door pulled me from my train of thought. "Amee?" Sounded the familiar voice.

"Come on in Celeste." I called.

She pushed the door open, stepping inside my room boldly. She's used to this. She was after all like me at one point. Come to think of it, she still is. She was adopted a year ago, surprisingly at that. Apparently her new parents needed someone mature, they were very busy people, but their son needed company. All in all, she still visits me almost everyday.

"Hey you." She smiled brightly at me, but there was something behind her eyes, something I couldn't pick up. Was it lack of sleep? I doubt it.

"Hey yourself." I pulled her down gently and kissed her. "I missed you." I felt a pang of something in my chest at saying those words but I immediately brushed away the thought; you don't exist anymore, you left. She's here now.
"Hmm." She hummed contentedly, smiling. "I missed you more you big dope."

"Hey!" I nudged her with my elbow; she nudged me back.

The playful banter went on like this for a few hours until she broke the light mood. "Do you ever think about her?"

I felt my heart clench and my stomach in knots at this question. She's asking about her... About... Darcie.

I tore my eyes open to a cold, empty room. I heard a light shower of rain outside, slowly coming to a stop in drops. The room smelt musty but raw, it made my stomach churn in a sick way before I got used to it again. I had to get used to it last night--or early morning, whichever--in order to sleep.

I was sleeping on the floor, there weren't really any beds here. Whenever Dan's here, he never sleeps, he checks inventory, checks his retailers...or deals with whoever he has to. I got used to this in the period I was working for him; and I did learn my lesson from stealing from him...

I think he took it easy on me because I was a girl but he did leave me with a fractured rib cage, black eye and multiple bruises. He then drove me to a hospital and before he threw me out of the car and he uttered the words, "come back when you're clean."

I got up off the floor, and started walking towards the door of the room I was in. It really did reek in here. Worse than when Dan shoved me in here.

After my sudden intrusion, Dan merely walked over to me awestruck; as if he was surprised that I was even alive, much less standing right in front of him. "Well well well," he had said. "Look what the dogs dragged in from the dead." And his smile began looking like a scowl to me.

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