||Chapter Five||

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" Well uhm... You see, I.." Destine said, she looked as if she was thinking about what she was going to say. Then the unexpected happened.

She grabbed me and kissed me! I didn't kiss back at first, I was too shocked, my eyes wide open, I was torn between pulling away and pushing her down and laying on top of her. I eventually couldn't resist anymore and started kissing back, her lips felt so good against mine, my heart was racing and my head was spinning to my point of being drunk. I felt high.

That high was cut short when she suddenly pulled away. I was still trying to compose myself, my heart wouldn't slow down and my stomach was doing back flips. When I regained a semblance of composure I tried forming a coherent sentence. "I... Uhm... Wow." I said tried. I was still tongue tied. I wanted to kiss her again, the urge to do it again was too much, she was like a drug. Why am I feeling this way?

Just then she got up and bolted upstairs.

What just happened?

Why did she run off? Was she not sure what she did? Because it seemed like she enjoyed that maybe almost as much as me even though I'm confused as shit. Why did she kiss me?

I stopped and breathed for a moment. My mind was scattered, to figure this out I have to be calm about it. Breathe.

I tried stringing thoughts together but it proved to be difficult. I groaned and got up and started pacing. Should I go up there? I thought. Maybe I shouldn't, maybe she needs time to... Think about what she's done...? I don't know! I just know she ran away for a reason.

Maybe I should go check on her, just to make sure she's OK. I gathered all the courage I could and slowly walked upstairs. As I neared the door I started taking tentative steps, I'm not sure why, I'm just too nervous about this. I'm not gonna show it though, at least I'll try not to.

I rapped on the door slowly. "Destine? Are you OK?" I held my head close to the door to listen out for an answer. I heard faint music in the background. But otherwise nothing. "Destine? Are you in here?" I listened again, I heard soft whimpering, my heart dropped. She's crying. I felt my chest tighten at this, why? "I'm coming in whether you like it or not." I said then opening the door.

She was slumped over in the far corner of the room, her hands resting on her knees and her head resting on her hands. She was sniffling. I sat next to her. "Um... Why are you crying?" Is this what you should do? I'm such an idiot. After mentally berating myself I turned back to Destine who still hasn't answered me.

Maybe a different approach.

"If it's any consolation, I enjoyed our little moment downstairs."

Still nothing.

"Aaannnd, I really thought you'd have been a better kisser, what with you being French and all..." I lied, just wanted to get her attention.

"What? REALLY?" She lifted her head giggling a bit. Got it. Her laughter is the best medicine, makes me wanna make her laugh more.

I looked at her face properly, I saw the tears on her cheeks, her eyes were red. I wanted to kiss them away but I'm not sure what's acceptable at this point. So I smiled and cupped her face and used my thumbs to wipe away her tears but in that moment more just fell.

My chest tightened and hurt seeing this. Again, why?

"I was just kidding about the kissing thing, you don't need to cry about that." I joked.

"That's not it." She half laughed half cried. Did she take me seriously? She's really terrible at picking up sarcasm.

"Then why are you crying?" I pulled her into my side and wrapped my arm over her shoulder, my other hand holding her hand. I hope this is comforting to her.

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