It's Called Addiction for a Reason

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All three of us got the bus to school like normal. We acted as if it was normal. I tried my best to make positive conversation, and Yugyeom tried to be the glue that held us all together. Bambam played along with us. Pretending was second nature to me, so it was easy enough.

We went off to our lockers, and someone collided into me, just as I was opening it. I thought I was getting tackled, that I was going to get hit over and over. I gasped, and thought I would fall over, but Jinyoung held me tight. There was no need for balance.

I couldn't help but smile a little at his scrunched up face. "I'm sorry!" He said.

"Well, you could have just told me that instead of almost pushing me over," I giggled, returning the hug. 

"I'm sorry about that too. I was just worried I had screwed everything up after yelling at you," He took a step back, his shoulders dropping.

"You screwed up nothing," I smiled. He had almost screwed up everything, but hadn't quite managed to. 

Jinyoung exhaled and pretended to wipe sweat off of his forehead with a small grin. We walked to class, our poster in my hand. As we walked into the classroom, I placed it on the teacher's desk, so it would be there when they arrived. Jinyoung was shifting around in his seat, looking uncomfortable. I frowned and sat beside him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Heh, nothing... I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me, that's all," He avoided my gaze, and my mouth fell open for a second, before I regained my sense. I was not expecting him to say that. 

"Uh, sure," I smiled, also looking away from him. 

To save us from the unexpected awkwardness, the teacher walked in. Class was boring, and I wasn't paying attention, because I couldn't stop thinking about Jinyoung. A huge part of me hoped that he liked me, and I blushed at the thought. 

Jinyoung nudged me, breaking my daze, and I looked at him. He gestured to the teacher, who was holding up our poster. "This one is first place," She announced.

Jinyoung and I turned to face each other and high fived. Jinyoung put his fist in the air triumphantly, even though all he had done was let me write his name on the back of it. The teacher separated us after our outburst, which had apparently disturbed the 'learning' of the class. I rolled my eyes and moved to the opposite side of the classroom. 

We still glanced at each other, and each time we did, we giggled. Our fellow classmates looked at us suspiciously, and so did the teacher. She folded her arms, huffed, and began another lecture. "You two aren't allowed to talk in class," 

Jinyoung frowned, and so did I. "We weren't talking," Jinyoung read my mind. 

The teacher only got more pissed off, and ended up kicking us  out of the lesson to stand outside. I don't know how she thought that it was a good idea, since we sat down and chatted. The halls were empty, and no one was enforcing the rules. 

Jinyoung reached for my hand. "We could just leave now," He suggested, grinning. 

I looked up and down the halls again, then at him. He looked so hopeful, and cheerful. "Okay," I was grinning too. We were breaking the rules for the hundredth time. I felt like we were escaping from prison the way we ran out of the building, laughing the whole time. I was out of breath by the time we reached the local café. Since it was still school time, it wasn't as crowded as I usually saw it. The crowds were the reason why I stayed away.

We ordered hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows, and sat down at a table in the corner of the room, right next to a radiator to keep warm. I leaned across the table. "I can't believe we just left school in the middle of the day," 

He laughed. "Well, we did!"

"If we get in trouble, it's all your fault," I told him. 

He pretended to look hurt, and put his hands over his chest. We laughed again. It was strange laughing so often, but I definitely missed it. I took a sip of my drink and so did Jinyoung. He jumped in his seat, fanning his mouth. 

"It's so hot!" He exclaimed, pouting and glaring at his mug.

"It's kind of in the name; hot chocolate," I raised my eyebrows at him. 

He looked at me with his head to one side. He fumbled in his blazer pocket and had something in his hand. Jinyoung took one of my hands and transferred the item into my grasp. I opened my palm to see a familiar looking pill. "How did you get this?" I whispered.

"Don't mind that. I had an idea the other day," He began, and I listened intently. "I know you're struggling to sleep without your pills," He held my hands, but I leaned back in my seat, defeated. It was that obvious, huh?

"So, I'm going to give you one pill every other day until the end of this month, and then I'll give you one a week the next month, and then you won't need them the month after that!" He smiled encouragingly, and I looked at him feebly. 

"Do you think that'll work?" I asked.

"We'll see when you try!" He insisted that I stick to the plan. Who knows, it may just work. It'll be better than insomnia every night.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

"For what?"

I chuckled, "You know, everything! This is the most anyone's done to help me with the addiction," I confided in him.

"I haven't told you, but I'm addicted too," Jinyoung said.

"To what?"

"Two things. Hot chocolate, and you," He was smirking.

I scoffed on my drink and swatted his arm. "That was way too cheesy," I laughed.

"Sorry, the opportunity was there," He smiled toothily. "Will you go on another date with me tomorrow?" He asked.

"Another one?" I asked.

"Well, it's not really a date, I guess. I'm moving out of my eomma's house, so I was going to look around an apartment tomorrow after school," 

"What about staying with me?" I suggested brightly, without thinking. Thankfully Jinyoung was the one thinking.

"Uh.. I don't think that would be a good idea, I mean, I would love to, but.." He trailed off, and I understood him perfectly. We both knew Yugyeom would go crazy if Jinyoung stayed with us for even one night.

"It's fine, I wasn't thinking straight," I shook my head at my own idea.  

"So will you come?"

I rubbed his shoulder and smiled comfortingly. I was so proud of him. "Of course I'll come," I said.

"Thanks," He replied, smiling.

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