You're Perfect

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I walked out of my last class and found an arm quickly around my waist. Jinyoung pulled me closer to him. "Ready to go?" He grinned.

"Sure," I replied. I rolled my eyes at his grin. He looked way too pleased with himself.

Together, we walked out of the school gates and we walked to the apartment blocks nearby in silence. I took an intake of breath. "I'm glad you're finding a new place," I said.

He paused and looked at me. "I am too," He gave me a toothy smile, and I grinned back. 

The streets were filled with students from our school and others, but apart from that, it was pretty quiet. We headed into the first block and met this woman who was going to show us around. She was nice, but I knew she was doubtful of us as soon as she saw our school uniforms. 

The room she was showing us was on the second floor, apartment 27. It was a fancy building, with an elevator. Our little apartment was nothing compared to this place. She kept going on about the advantages of living here, to the point where I was convinced she would rent here instead. Jinyoung kept pretending to listen, which kept making me laugh. Little to say I wasn't making a great first impression on this lady. 

I was first into the room, and it was lovely. After I scanned the room, Jinyoung came over to me. "So? What do you think of it?" He asked. 

I shrugged. "It's.. lovely," I said, smiling encouragingly. He got the room layout from the estate agent, and began to frown. 

"What?" I asked, leaning forward to see the layout. I couldn't see anything wrong with it. 

Jinyoung ignored me and turned to the estate agent. "This place only has one bedroom," He stated obviously.

She nodded hypocritically. "Yes..." 

"Well, when we spoke on the phone, I asked for somewhere with two bedrooms," He huffed.

"This is the only apartment in the building on offer in your price range," 

"What about the next building along?"

"Give me a minute, I'll check for you," She sighed. She walked over to the corner of the room and began talking on the phone. 

I looked at Jinyoung. "Why do you want two bedrooms?" I frowned.

He hesitated for a second before answering. "For when you want to stay over," He shrugged, raising his eyebrows. I hit his arm and laughed. Then I thought about it.

"Fine," I said.

The estate agent nodded and said that there was one place in the complex next to this one. Jinyoung looked happier about that, which made me happier too. 

To the estate agent's dismay, this place did not have an elevator, but I didn't care about that one bit. We took the stairs up to the fourth floor of the building, while she was rambling on about something highly interesting, I'm sure. At least Jinyoung was paying some attention. She opened the door to apartment number 41 and I followed Jinyoung in. The estate agent had to take a call, and went outside, leaving us alone.

There was less furniture here, but it was more spacious. I spotted a window straight away, and went over to look at the view. It wasn't much of a view, to be honest, it was just the street below us, and the coffee shop opposite the building. But I still loved it. He asked me the same question again. "So? What do you think?" 

"I think it's perfect," I grinned.

"I think you're perfect," Jinyoung said.

I put my hand to my forehead and cringed. "You're too much.. Why do you say cheesy stuff like this?" I sighed, holding back a laugh.

"To see that face!" He pointed at me and I turned away from him. His arms were quickly around my waist. "Sorry," He mumbled.

"It's fine," I turned around to face him properly. 

"Good," He said,  looking into my eyes. He was closer to my face than I thought. I tilted away, but he pulled me back and kissed me. Warmth spread through me as I hung my arms over his shoulders and let him kiss me. 

I felt loved.

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