That's Not Real Freedom

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Her phone was ringing again. Just sat on the floor, flashing away annoyingly. I leaned over, and checked who it was. Ah, lucky guess. Yugyeom. 

I glanced over at her, and she was sleeping, the duvet half covering her face, and the shirt I gave her lying baggily around her. She was so skinny. I felt like I needed to wrap her up in a protective blanket. I looked over at the phone again, and it was really irritating me now. So much that I felt like answering. Just the thought made me want to do it even more. It would be better for everyone if he stopped calling, right? 

Ah, what the hell?

After double checking that she was asleep, I slid my arm out from under her, and picked up the phone. I took a deep breath, before smirking and pressing the answer button. "Hello," I said quietly, unable to hide my smile.

"Where are you? I need you home right now! Hello? Are you there? This is really important, you need to come home, please. I'm worried about you. I'll come pick you up if you're in trouble. Where are you!??!" Yugyeom questioned. He was obviously panicking, and genuinely concerned, and I felt a pang of guilt in my gut. But I ignored it.

"She's not able to come home at the moment. I don't think she wants to see you either," I said. There was a pause, where neither of us said anything, and all I could hear was him breathing heavily down the other end of the phone.

"Wait, who is this," Yugyeom said in a low, serious voice. An angry one, one beyond rage.

"Junior," I replied quickly. I could hear him cursing down the line.

"If you've done anything- anything at all - to her, I swear to god that I will kill you," His voice shook.

"I believe you," I chuckled slightly at the half-hearted threat. This guy..

His tone changed. "Please, just bring her home. She needs to help me--" 

I hung up rudely. I've had enough of Yugyeom to last me a lifetime. 

I was startled when she started moving in her sleep. She tossed back and forth, clearly in distress. I dropped the phone to the floor, which had begun to ring again, and clambered over my bed to her side. 

She jumped up straight, out of breath and accidentally knocked over the glass of water on the bedside table. "Oh, shit!" She gasped, covered her face, and curled up in a tight ball. She was shaking.

"Hey, it's okay," I soothed. I hesitated for a brief moment, but I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around her. She slid her arms from her knees and clasped them around my middle tightly, desperately. She buried her face into my pyjama shirt, and we laid back down on the bed. Her breathing became steady again, and I thought that she might have gone back to sleep. 

She moved away from me and looked over at the mess on the floor. "I'm sorry. I'll go clean it up," She murmured, her face deadpan. 

"I said it's okay! It really doesn't matter," I chuckled slightly. She knelt down on the floor anyway, with tissues to soak up the water. I sighed and helped clean up with her.

"I'm sorry," She repeated.

"Don't be, you have nothing to be sorry for," I smiled at her.

"I wish that was true," She stood up and put the glass in the bin. It was chipped at the rim. "I'll buy you a new one when I get some money," She said blankly.

"When will it get through to you!? It's okay!" I huffed. She was trying to tie her hair up, but kept getting frustrated, since it was so short, that bits stuck out. I came up behind her and did it for her.

"Thank you," She smiled weakly. I could see the purple lines under her eyes, and her skinniness through the t-shirt, and a scar on her wrist. I could see it all. I could see that she was tired. 

"You haven't slept, have you?" I sighed.

"No... This is only my second night without sleeping pills for months," She admitted.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"I've run out," She shrugged, sitting on the edge of my bed. I joined her. We sat in silence for a while, but it wasn't awkward, or uncomfortable.

She shifted slightly to face me. "Who were you talking to on my phone?" 

I began to sweat. It was a simple enough question, with a simple enough answer. But yet I felt nervous and guilty. I gulped before telling the truth. "It was, uh, Yugyeom," I waited for anger. Some volatile reaction.

She just sighed. "I should go back then," 

I nodded, but then I thought, what am I doing? Why on earth would I let her go back to Yugyeom? 

"No, stay," I placed my hand on her leg so she wouldn't get up.


"Because he doesn't deserve to have someone like you run back to him whenever he calls! You shouldn't go back!" I raised my voice a little. I couldn't believe I was angry, and jealous too. 

"But it's Yugyeom... And anyway, he probably just needs help taking care of my brother. He's going through a phase at the moment," She said.

"But what about me? I'm Jinyoung. I'm the one who's been here for you when he's not! I haven't broken any promises to you!" I knew I was right, and she knew it too. 

But she still shook her head.

"Please," I said. She was walking away. I grabbed her wrist, "Don't go," and it was too late by the time I remembered. She shook me off before I had the chance to let go myself, and walked away even faster. She didn't even bother to grab her phone, or say goodbye. 

All she said was, "I'm sorry," Then one last look before leaving me. I ran my fingers through my hair and cursed at myself. 

I was so close. 

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