Chapter 26

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"Does it make me a horrible person if I just want these babies out already?" I whined, rubbing lotion on my stomach. "I'm sick of being pregnant."

Matt laughed, kissing the top of my head. "I want them here too," He relaxed and got comfortable with his head in my lap.

I groaned, sitting back in bed after recapping the lotion bottle. I am only 22 weeks pregnant and I feel like it's been forever. 

"Gosh my boobs hurt," I complained, once again. These pregnancy symptoms are becoming more and more frequent as time carries on.

"I'm sorry babe," Matt sympathized, planting his lips on my thigh. "You'll be okay because it'll all be worth it when they get here."

"It better be," I mumbled under my breath with a dramatic sigh.

"It will, I promise." He comforted with a warm smile. "You're gap has gotten bigger by the way,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your thigh gap," he deadpanned. "It's bigger than before."

I sighed, leaning back in my bed. My feet hurt, my boobs are so tender and I have a immense thigh gap. Not to mention the fact that my stomach is growing like a weed, expanding more and more each day. Pregnancy takes a tremendous toll on a woman's body.

"Are you ready for your appointment?" He asked, sitting up and reaching for his water bottle.

I nodded with a shrug. "But watermelon first,"

"Okay you goof, we can get some watermelon," He laughed helping me out of bed.

Chuckling to myself, I reached up and planted a kiss on his lips.


"How are you this evening?" Doctor Jones asked as I got myself situated on the exam table. 

I shrugged, "I'm fine, just sore."

"That's expected," She nodded. "You're a tiny person carrying two babies, it's going to be a lot to handle as time goes on."

Ugh tell me something I don't know.

"Other than that, how are the babies?" She asked, setting up her machine and equipment. "Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins and watching what you eat?"

"Yes ma'am," I sighed, leaning back on the table and lifting up my shirt to expose my belly.

She smiled down at me as she fidgeted with the wand thing and pressed it to my belly. "Good,"

The room flooded with silence for a few minutes while Jones studied the monitor and did her thing. It was actually quite relaxing, having a couple moments of peace.

"You haven't been having any pain on your left side, have you?" She asked, breaking the silence.

I chuckled. "I have pain everywhere. Why?"

She pointed to a spot on the screen so I sat up a bit to get a closer look. "Now don't be alarmed or anything," she began as she zoomed in on the picture. "But it seems that there's a significant growth in Baby B, who is currently occupying you left side."

"Baby B is our girl right?" Matt inquired, just as curious as I was.

"Correct, as Baby A is your boy." She nodded. "And there isn't any change in growth in Baby A."

How am I not supposed to be alarmed?

"So what do we do?" I asked, almost jumping out of my seat. "How do we handle this?"

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