This can't be good

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Hey! So I read my story over and is it just me or does it not make any sense? The chapters make sense (most of the time) but they don't really connect with each other. Anyway let me know your thoughts in a review or private message please! This chapter is about the Athena kids (Annabeth and Malcolm) in the Aphrodite cabin. Enjoy!

This can't be good

Annabeth's P.O.V. Day 2(didn't feel like doing day 1)

I woke to someone in a different cabin screaming. It sounded like it was coming from my cabin(my real cabin) and I assumed that it was a spider in the cabin. So I went back to sleep. Big mistake!

Three hours later at nearly ten o'clock I woke up again. Wow, I must've been really tired if I slept through breakfast. I got up out of bed and realized I was the only one in here other than Malcolm who didn't look like he was in a good mood. I asked him, "Hey Malcolm where is everyone?"

He looked up at me and said with fake enthusiasm,"Theywent to get even more supplies to give us both makeovers!"

I groaned, makeovers from the Aphrodite kids are absolute torture!"You want to make a run for it?" I asked him.

He shook his head,"They locked the doors and windows so we couldn't escape".

"So let me get this straight. We were beat by kids of Aphrodite?"

He shrugged,"They really like giving makeovers".

Just then the door opened and Lacy said,"You're wrong Malcolm, we love giving makeovers!"

Two glorious hours for the Aphrodite cabin and painful hours for Annabeth and Malcolm later

no one's P.O.V.

"Done!" Lacy announced. Annabeth looked in the mirror and saw the most beautiful girl in the world, other than Aphrodite of course, and didn't recognize her at all. Her hair as always was curled, her makeup was perfect like Angelina's and all in all she looked like princess.

"Oh. My. Gods!"she exclaimed. The Aphrodite kids looked very happy with themselves.

"And at lunch in...", one of the girls started checking her watch."6 minutes, Percy'll see you!"

"We have to get her dressed!"

"But I'm already dressed" Annabeth protested looking down at her Camp HalfBlood t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

"Something pretty silly! Oh, here", Lacy said tossing her a dress and a pair of high heels."Put these on". Annabeth sighed in defeat and went into the bathroom to get changed.

Five minutes later she came out in a short skin tight strapless black dress. The Aphrodite girls squealed,

"You look so pretty!" Just then the conch horn went and the kids all went to dining pavilion. The whole way there boys gaped at a grumpy looking Annabeth in a dress.

"Annabeth?" She turned around to see the Stolls staring at her.

Annabeth's P.O.V

I turned around and saw the Stoll's staring at me.

"It wasn't my idea", I said right away."And it's rude to stare".

"You look hot", Connor said. I blushed, not many people compliment me like that.

"Yeah you're like as pretty as... the Aphrodite girls!" Travis exclaimed.

"Thanks but as you know I'm dating Percy and- aren't you dating Katie?" (Percabeth and Tratie 4eva). It was his time to blush. I smirked knowing I won, turned around and walked into the dining pavilion. Malcolm and the Aphrodite cabin were already sitting down. Right when I walked in someone grabbed my arm and pulled into the corner with him.

"Hey wise girl", he said and kissed me. We were hidden from everyone so we kissed there for almost all of lunch. When we pulled back he whispered,"You look beautiful".

"Hey! Seaweed Brain?" I whispered back.


"Why are we whispering?" He opened his mouth to speak but just then a girl found us. A girl with long black hair and green eyes and looked like a girl version of Percy.

"Well, what do we have here?", Angelina said jokingly putting a hand on her hip.

"Nothing..." Nico then decided to shadow travel to camp. Right where we were sitting/standing/crouching. And he belly flopped on us. Fun right?

"Ugh Nico get off!" Percy said pushing him off.

"You guys do realize that everyone's left, right?" Nico asked.

"You know in that case we should go to activities", I said.

"Yes let's go do that", Percy said in a robot voice.

"Actually there's a head counselor meeting in 2 minutes and we're all head counselors", Angelina said.

"Okay then let's go there", Percy replied. He started walking toward the door and... tripped over a waste bin. I couldn't help but laugh. Once a Seaweed Brain always a Seaweed Brain.

"Stupid trash can!", he yelled then kicked it and kept walking. We went with him.

"So why are you both head counselors for the Poseidon cabin?" Nico asked Percy and Angelina.

"Because we both wanted to be and Chiron didn't want the camp to flood", Angelina replied.

Nico nodded,"Fair enough"

Percy's P.O.V

We arrived at the room, most people were already there. Clarisse was polishing her weapons, Piper was talking with Chiron probably complaining about living with having her siblings, Jason and Thalia were talking since head counselor Jason for Zeus cabin and Thalia for Artemis since the Hunters were staying at camp, Katie and Travis were talking and kissing, and Connor was eyeing Annabeth (he's already learned from Nico, Angelina and me what'll happen when he checks Angelina out).

Chiron cleared his throat,"You're probably wondering why I asked you to come".

"Yeah and where's Mr.D?" Travis asked.

"Mr.D is on Olympus helping to organize what I wanted to talk to you about" Oh no we'll probably be getting killed if Mr.D was helping plan it. "But first why did Angelina have a bull snake on her face when she woke up this morning?"Travis and Connor exchanged glances.

"You guys did it didn't you?" I asked them sighing. They nodded hesitantly.

"You do that again and I'll kill you", Angelina threatened them.

"But won't you be dead if the snake bites you ?" Connor asked.

"Then I'll haunt you for the rest... of... your... lives"she leaned foward and glared at them with a murderous look on her face."Do you understand?"

Travis and Connor were terrified,"Y-y-yes m-ma'am".

Chiron cleared his throat again,"O.k next what I called you here for, some of the campers have been randomly chosen to..."

~This can't be good~

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