There's a difference

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Sorry about the P.O.V.s switching around a lot, it just with the story. Enjoy!

There's a difference

Previously: I ran into the clearing ahead my friends and heard a hiss. I turned and saw a snake staring at me. Slowly another slithered up. And another, and another. Soon the clearing was filled with snakes. But that wasn't the worst part. The scariest one, the only venomous one, was literally 1 cm away from my face.

I tried to move, to run away.

But I couldn't move.

I was frozen-frozen in fear.

In other words I was...


Percy's P.O.V

Angelina ran into the clearing ahead of us. I didn't really think much about it at the time. I really wish I stopped her then, before the bad incident ever happened.

We walked into the clearing and saw Angelina. Surrounded by snakes. But the minute we walked into the clearing something happened. None of us had any idea what was happening. Only one thing came to my mind.


Angelina's P.O.V.

After Percy, Nico and Thalia came into the clearing something happened. All the snakes attacked at once as if there was a signal. All except the venemous one. It slithered up into it's tree never to be seen again. Weird right?

After that was kind of a blur. There was a lot of slashing, screaming and yelling for help. I'm pretty I even heard Percy cursing the gods. I don't blame him, if it wasn't for the gods we wouldn't be doing this right now.

Percy's P.O.V.

O.k this is messed up. I can barely tell what's going on. Curse the gods who got us into this mess. I hope dad didn't, that would be kind of sad sending his favorite son and savior of Olympus off to his death trap. It's possible he did though, gods do weird things sometimes. I bet it was Athena who came up with this, that would be just like that..., I don't really know how to insult her cause you know she's a goddess so yeah.

All of a sudden Angelina screamed a really potched note. I'm pretty sure she damaged my hearing. "It bit me," she yelled.

Luckily we saved her before she died, with the help of the stuff in the backpack, and everything was okay.

That's what I thought until I saw her hand. The snake had bit her right hand, the hand she uses to do everything and I'm pretty sure it's broken. Her hand and index finger. I grimaced, that must hurt.

"Angelina are you okay?" Nico asked her.

"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" she said confused. She probably didn't feel the pain yet.

"Wait for it" I said. I barely finished saying that when she started screaming. Really loudly. I'm talking bloody murder, which now that I think about she does a lot.

Angelina started crying. I kneeled next to her. She cried into the crook of my neck, and I stroked her hair.

"Shhh, sweetie it's okay", I whispered to her. Nico and Thalia felt like they were intruding so they backed away.

She looked up at me, "What if it's not Percy. My life is terrible, I'm cursed, everyone hates me and now I have a broken hand. What if life doesn't get better, what if I never get rid of this curse?"

"Don't talk like that. You will get rid of your curse and we'll get through this together."

She leaned on my shoulder, "What if it doesn't? No one likes me because I'm different."

"Everyone loves you, just the way you are," I told her, tapping her nose.

She smiled up at me; that smile I hadn't seen for six years.

That smile I hadn't seen since she was cursed.

"Besides," I told her. "You're not different, you're unique. And even though you might not notice it...

"~There's a difference~"

How'd you like it? Today in drama class we were talking about being different and how most people pretend to be someone their not and that inspired this chapter.

Have any of you heard the quote 'Be yourself, everyone else is taken'? I think that's the message this chapter is sending. And it's right. You shouldn't pretend to be someone because people want you to be. Oh gods now I'm getting all philosophel *clutching head* what's happening to me? Just kidding! I'm almost always like that.

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