Really, that's his fear!??!

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Really That's His Fear?

Angelina's P.O.V

We're getting out today. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

I'm weird like that.

Percy's P.O.V

We are definitely getting out today. How do I know, you might ask. Well you see it all started a couple hours ago...

"Guys come look at this!" Angelina called us over to where she was sitting. It had been a few days since the snake incident, and Angelina's getting better. We used what we had to make a make-shift cast to use until we get back to camp.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It's a map of the forest!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my gods, that's great!" Thalia said. "We'll be able to get out in no time"

"Not exactly," Angelina explained."There's a lot of obstacles and we're on the opposite side of the forest than the portal".

"And we haven't all faced our fears yet, only Percy and Angelina have," Nico reminded us.

"So let's get going, I want to get out of here now!"I said.

"Okay well according to this map we have to go that way" Angelina said while pointing east.

"All right let's go" I said.

One twisted ankle, fight with a bear, running into a tree five times(percy) and one person blacking out later...

We arrived at a waterfall.

"Okay now we have to,"Angelina started, consulting the map. "Jump off the cliff, into the water below" she slowed down at the end looking up at Thalia. I looked at Thalia, she was as white as a ghost.

"I'm assuming this is Thalia's fear," I said.

"I guess so," Angelina replied. Thalia stood close to the edge of the waterfall looking down.

"Thalia it will be fine," I tried to reassure her. Key word: Tried.

"Easy for you to say, your dad is Poseidon the god of sea!"


"So you won't drown and you're not scared of heights!" She was yelling now.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Angelina started talking before I could.

"Thalia it will be fine, Percy and I faced our fears and nothing bad happened"

"You broke your hand"

Angelina shrugged,"I've had worse and so have you"

"I guess," Thalia replied hesitantly.

"Hey I have an idea! Why don't we jump together?"

"Alright but the boys have to go first"

"What that's not fair"Nico protested. But there was no point fighting Thalia, she always wins. So I dragged Nico to the edge of the cliff.

"3,2,1!" I counted down and we jumped.

Angelina's P.O.V

After Percy and Nico jumped, we got ready. Thalia didn't look as scared as she did before. I counted down from three and we jumped into the water down below.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" I asked her once we all got out and dried.

Thalia shook her head,"It was kind of fun actually"

"So now all we have left is Nico's fear" I looked at the map. "According to the map we're supposed to go that way", I pointed to a small meadow. What on earth could be Nico's fear?

We walked into the meadow and Nico screamed.

"Nico what's the matter?" I asked him. Then I saw what he was looking at. A flower.

"Let me get this straight; My fear is snakes, Percy's is seeing the people he loves in trouble, Thalia's is heights and yours is flowers?"

"Persephone once turned me into a flower once... Or maybe 8 times," Nico said defensively.


Percy, Thalia and Angelina's P.O.V

~Really, that's his fear?!~

So I couldn't think of a fear for Nico so I thought I'd make this chapter a little more funny then the other ones. Hope you liked it!

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