Just What I Needed (5)

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Picture of Haley on the side :) --------------------------------->

"Thanks," Keely said the next day as Joe pulled up beside the school.

He just sighed, swivelling around in his seat, Joe looked Keely boldly in the eye. "You're going to forgive him, aren't you?"

Adverting Joe's eyes, she grabbed her side back pack from the ground by her feet. "You better get going, first of all you're already holding up traffic and secondly you're going to end up being late for school."

"So you are?" it might have been phrased as one, but it wasn't a question.

"You don't know him like I do," Keely looked down at the door handle. "Nobody knows him like I do, and I know that sounds so stupid and I feel like cliche, but I really don't know what's between me and Tony still. I didn't sleep at all last night, Joe, I was just sitting up listening to one of my Johnny Cash albums over and over again. And after all of that, I still wasn't sure what it is with me and Tony. So I need one more time, I just need to know."

Looking out at the road, Joe just said, "I'll pick you up where the bus drops you off."

"See you tonight," she sighed sliding out of the car.

Today, Keely was wearing her plaid blue skirt - of course - but she had pulled her socks up her slim calves.

She was wearing one of the school issued white pinstriped with a thin line of grey button up shirt. Keely was wearing the red loose vest with the black trim, she hadn't bothered with a tie this morning, going for the open collar look since it was much easier.

Grabbing her morning Chai latte, Keely didn't hook the extra space at one of the couches in the room for doing the homework she hadn't finished the night before as usual. Instead, she walked straight back out of the room.

Keely just wanted to find Tony, find him and say that one magical word, she just wanted to say 'Okay'. She marched briskly past her own locker, ignoring the weight of her physics text book and binder plus her song book.

When she rounded the corner to Tony's locker, she met his eyes straight on.

This would have been okay, except that the one girl Keely hated the most in this world was just too close for comfort. She had a dangerous home wrecker look on her face, and those milliseconds that had passed between when Keely saw them and Tony looked up, he had been locking down at Taylor as well. A flirtatious look in his eyes and a grin gracing his mouth.

What were you thinking?! Keely's conscience screamed at her. You were going to forgive the scumbag, and there he is, flirting with her!

Everything Keely had ever wanted or ever had, Taylor had made it her priority to either steal it away or ruin it beyond repair. Keely had known that Tony had done some pretty jack ass moves in the past.

But she would never have thought he would ever fall to Taylor's standard.

Especially when he had been begging for Keely's forgiveness just last night, but the proof was right in front of her now.

"Keely," Tony had apparently broken away from the claws of Taylor, because he was grabbing at her are desperately as Keely tried to walk away.

"What do you want now?!" she exclaimed.

Neither of them even registered that they were in a crowded hallway anymore, and Keely's extremely loud shrieking voice was getting more than enough attention from the inhabitants.

"It's not like that," he countered.

"Yeah, right," she shouted hysterically. Pulling the sheet of paper out of her pocket, Keely crumpled the meaningless words and threw them at his head. The paper bounced off his head, hitting an innocent bystander, but once again, they didn't notice the aftermath.

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