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Why is love the topic of all time?

Every song, book, and movie has the element of romance hidden, if not astutely noticeable.

Why love?

Is it because everyone feels it? It’s a common emotion?

Well, then just throw the unloved down the drain, now shall we.

Who cares about the homeless widows, orphaned babies, abandoned children?

Do they feel love?

Is romance all that is on their minds?

Why is our world so utterly focused on romantic fantasies when others are just in need of basic love?

That kind of love is a luxury.

To some, “basic” love is a luxury.

But there are some love songs that are not of romantic notions.

God loves you.

There is a love “song” worth listening to.

The lost and abandoned have a song to listen to.

One on comfort, hope for the future, and love.

God. Loves. You.

There is no earning, like with friends or lovers.

God’s love is better than family’s.

His love is unconditional.

There’s a song worth singing.

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