One Direction? Really?

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"Jen, Talis is on his way here," My best friend Celia informed me as I was taking out books from my locker. My only response to her was a derisive snort. I could care less what that jerk was doing.

I nearly dropped my science book when Celia stabbed me in the ribs with her surprisingly sharp elbows repeatedly,

"Dude, seriously!" She hissed, her eyes glued on something behind me, "He's looking right at you and he's on his way here,"

I rolled my eyes and pushed away her lethal elbows,

"Stop that! You're going to leave a bruise," I rubbed down on the sore spot where she had jabbed me and turned around to look at Talis Grey. The guy I hated with everything I had,

He was indeed on his way towards me, his blue eyes flashing with determination behind his golden bangs. I was slightly surprised that he wasn't surrounded by a haggle of girls and football jocks like he usually is, probably didn't want them seeing him interact with a normal peasant like myself.

He walked up to me and smiled, resting against the locker beside mine while flashing his signature smirk my way,

"Jen," He said by way of greeting, he nodded at Celia and, like the traitor she is, she made up some excuse and left me alone with the biggest jerk I had ever met.

"What do you want, Talis?" I asked, slamming my locker shut,

He straightened up and looked me right in my eyes. He always stood up straighter when he was accepting some kind of challenge only he was aware of,

"You are terrible with people, like really horrendous, and I'm surprised no one has punched you in the face for it,"

He said and I narrowed my eyes at him,

"Gee thanks,"

"I'm not finished, shush now," he reprimanded and continued speaking before I could open my mouth, "you snore, like really loudly, you look really terrible when you try to fake a smile, I honestly don't think it's possible for anyone to look less appealing than you do when you force a smile, you're not the cutest in the morning either..."

"I'm two seconds away from punching you," My hands had fisted by my sides by now, but he ignored me and continued on with his rant,

"You are pretty freaking far from popular, you still have teddy bears, your room looks like a five-year old's, you're stubborn, childish, jealous"

"I'm territorial, and do you have a point?!"

"I'm trying to get to it, but you keep interrupting me, another one of your flaws I might add. Now, as I was saying, you are far from perfect. You're not easy to get along with and I really think you're capable of building a death star and becoming an evil ruler,"

That sounded like a bit of a compliment, so I wasn't terribly offended by it, but still

"You look like a dying tomato when you exercise and you don't have a romantic bone in your body Jennessa Anne Louise Cray,"

I gasped and glared at him,

"You said you would forget my full name!"

He smiled and looked up at me from under his eyelashes that were longer than mine, another point on his jerk list, how dare he have better lashes than me? So inconsiderate!

"Everything I just mentioned, all of these little things, I'm in love with,"

I scoffed at that, crossing my arms,

"One Direction? Really?"

"Yes, really. I know you love them,"

"You know no such thing!" I blushed tomato red and he chuckled softly, reaching up and cupping my cheek,

"Jen, I know everything about you. I know the good, I know the bad, the ugly..."

"Yeah, you've made the bad and ugly part pretty clear," I mumbled and he pressed his hand over my mouth,

"Don't bite, and stop interrupting, woman. My point, is that I have seen you every which way and I have never met anyone more fun, exciting, interesting, adorable, and worth it. You, my little psychotic angel, are worth all the crap you put me through, you're the only one for me. You're more than one hand full and I could never find time to even think of anyone else. You have made sure that you're the only one on my mind in the past two years and I'm sorry that that girl was all over me and I didn't do anything about it. Even if she was only touching my arm and I didn't even notice her..."

He trailed off when he saw the glare I was shooting his way, unable to protest since he was still trapping my mouth.

"Okay, okay, it was absolutely wrong of me and I should have pushed her off and I really shouldn't have teased you about getting jealous when I do the exact same thing when it comes to other guys around you."

I rolled my eyes and he finally took his hand away from my mouth,

"You're an idiot," I said, still glaring at him, though it was halfhearted, I mean he apologized and I had overreacted, but I would never admit that.

He grinned that beautiful breathtaking smile of his and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him,

"Yeah, I love you, too,"
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