Chapter 37

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Okay if you guys did or didn't know, I already wrote this chapter. But I wasn't really happy with it and I rushed through it because I wanted it to end.

And I realized that that wasn't fair to you guys when my friend pointed it out. That friend would be elle_childofzeus.

Now she is a really close friend of mine and always helps me with my chapters, so you should thank her for making me rewrote this chapter. Otherwise you would be reading the worst ending chapter known to man kind ever.

I mean it really sucked and I didn't even like it. So since I need some help, I asked elle_childofzeus, and she wrote part of this chapter. But she did give me the idea for most of it.

Now this chapter will be short and I greatly apologize for that, but I can't help it.

So the next chapter will be an author's note that is a must read so read it.



Hugging Leo, I realized that the invisible force field must have been destroyed because within seconds I felt arms around me.

I turned around and hugged Percy.

"We did it!" I yelled in his face.

"No you did it, but I don't want to see you and Leo making googgily faces at each other and always kissing," he replied. I blushed a bit before replying.

"But you and Annabeth do it all the time. I mean, who knows what happens when we're not around."

It was his turn to blush, and Annabeth came up just in time to see it.

"What's got you looking like you met up with a Hydra and forgot Medea's SPF 10,000(A/N I'm not sure if that's right or not so correct me if I'm wrong)."

I smirked and took the chance to make her blush too, "Oh we were just talking about what you and Percy do... behind closed doors," I added a wink and Annabeth immediately flamed up. She hit me in the arms and told me to shut up. I laughed throwing my head back.

Arms wrapped around my waist, and I was lifted up. I felt the heat of the arms, and automatically thought of Leo.

"Hey, Leo."

"Ello, love," he said in a really bad British accent.

I turned my head and pecked his cheek before turning back to everyone. "What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Well I guess we could go see the gods. I mean we have to talk to them," Jason said.

"Should we walk?" Piper asked taking Jason's hand.

"I suppose, I mean their is no other way," Annabeth said.

We caught a taxi to the Empire State Building, and got their pretty quickly. It was a tight fit in the cab, and with six hyper active kids that can be a bad thing. Once we got out of the car we all ran into the building.

Percy did his, we are powerful demigods thing, and we got in within minutes.

The elevator was playing some great music. If you'd consider music in a different language while it seems like their screaming great.

Finally we got out of the elevator and headed to the throne room.

We walked past the people in the village on Olympus and they were cheering and partying.

"News travels fast," I whispered to Percy.

"It was like this when I helped defeat Kronos. These guys just don't know when to stop."

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