Chapter 21

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So if you guys didn't know I had the whole chapter written, but I write it in my notes because I can turn my iPhone or iPod to the side, and it got deleted some how. I have no idea how. So this is rewritten and maybe better. Probably worse. But this is dedicated to @rileynickole because she got it right first.


And this was added the third time I wrote it because half of it deleted because I forgot to save it. I guess this is like the worlds April fools day joke on me. If it is it isn't interesting. Notice how that whole sentence had i's at the front of every word. Alliteration. Boom.


Percy's POV

It took a good 10 minutes to get to the bowling alley, and on the way I was talking to Annabeth.

"Should we tell everyone that I am Jessica's brother?" I ask her.

"I think we should wait for her to tell them make sure she's ready for it," was her reply.

I nod. "I guess that makes sense."

We quicken our pace to catch up with the others. Finally we reach the bowling alley. After we pay for the shoes and lane we choose teams.

"Should it be boys versus girls or two on a team," asked Piper.

"Boys versus girls," yelled Leo.

"But it wouldn't be fair," whined Jessica, "we don't even know if I'm good."

"Hey it doesn't matter," said Leo, "we all know Jason is horrible at it," he said smirking.

"Hey, I'm not that bad."

"Yes you are," says Piper.

Jason starts to pout. "You guys are so mean."

We start laughing.

"Fine," says Jess, "We'll do boys versus girls."

"But," she says again, "if we lose, blame Leo."

"Hey," he whines.

We start the game, and Jessica turns out being good. Well with Leo's help.

I was really annoyed, but couldn't show it. Even though they were perfect together, I could stand seeing them flirt. I mean I'm her brother and seeing Leo flirt with her is annoying.

Eventually Jessica stopped needing Leo'a help. She was really good. We ended up losing because Jason really did suck.

"That was so fun," said Annabeth sitting down next to me.

"Let's play again" suggested Jessica happily. She was happy ever since she learned he could play.

"Fine one more game, but then we have to go to sleep. We have school tomorrow," says Piper.

We sigh. "Fine mother," says Jason smiling.

Jessica looks down, and I realize she still hasn't met her mother. And that my mom never told me about Jessica. I sigh. I shouldn't be thinking about that. I should just be happy about having her now.

We start playing again. As Jessica starts her turn I hear a voice.

"Percy, Jason, is that you?"

I turn around. "Thalia," I say surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Well me and a couple kids at camp wanted to go bowling so we came here."


"Thalia!" shouts Annabeth hugging her friend. They pull back.

"Connor, Travis, Katie, Will, Chris, and Clarisse."

"Clarisse is here?" says Jason pulling his sister into a hug. Piper ran up and hugged her too.

"Yeah, she was bored and said she could beat everyone here," says Chris walking up behind Thalia pulling Clarisse with him.

"I can and will beat all of you," she's says with a scowl.

"I bet you couldn't beat Jess," says Piper.

"Who's Jess?" asks Thalia.

"This is Jess," said Leo pulling Jess with him.

"Hi," she says shyly.

"Hi, I'm Thalia, and this is Connor, Travis, Chris, Clarisse, and Will." She introduced and pointed.

She waved to them.

"So you think she could take me!" said Clarisse.

"What?" Jessica replies confused.

"She doesn't even know what we're talking about," Clarisse says exasperated.

"I'm still confused," Jess says.

"I," starts Piper, "told Clarisse that you could beat her at bowling."

"But I probably can't," she stutters.

"Well we will have to see," I say.

Everyone heads over to the lane and starts placing bets in who was going to win. I choose Jess because she was my sister and good. Annabeth choose Jess. Chris choose Clarrise. Travis choose Jess even though he just met her. Connor choose Clarrise. Will choose Clarisse. Thalia choose Clarisse, even though I have no idea why. Piper and Jason choose Jess. And Leo choose Jess. We will just have to see how this goes.


So comment who you want the next POV to be in. Bu I think I will put it as Jessica'a because I have an idea for it.

Who do you guy think will win though?

Tell me your thoughts.

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