Chapter 15

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Pipers POV

Percy and Annabeth were dueling. Annabeth with her knife and Percy with Riptide. It was a fair fight, but it looked like Percy was going to win. Well he was until Annabeth jumped o Ed him and placed her dagger at his back. Not in a specific position.

"Come on, Percy. Drop your sword. I won."

"No you didn't," Percy gritted through his teeth. He had his eyes close and was concentrating.

"Annabeth," I said in a warning-like tone.

She looked at me then back at Percy. A burst of water popped through the ground. The next second she was on the floor. Percy straddled her waist smirking.

"Told you, you wouldn't win."

"You cheated," said Annabeth annoyed.

"No I didn't I just used my resources," was his reply.

Annabeth huffed and glared at her boyfriend. Percy gave her a small smile. He leant down and kissed her. She smiled when he pulled back; I rolled my eyes.

"You ready to go, Sparky?"

"You know you can't beat me," he said cockily.

"Bring it," I knew I could beat him. I have before.

"Hey guys!" yelled Leo.

"Come on, Repair Boy. I was just about to beat Sparky."

"Beauty Queen, you can beat him some other time."

I rolled my eyes and glanced at the girl next to him. She was shorter than Leo and was smiling up at him.

I saw her before, but we never really introduced ourself. I walked up to her.

"Hey, I'm Piper McLean." I'm not sure why I said my last name; I just had a feeling I could trust her.

"Or Beauty Queen," Leo said looking at the girl. She through he head back in a laugh. His eyes sparkled. Maybe I can work with this. I just need help.

"I'm Jessica," she glanced at Percy, he shook his head. "Peterson," she finished.

I nodded.

"Jason Grace."

"Hi," she gives him a small wave and shy smile.

"Okay, Jess. Lets see how good you are with a sword," says Percy.

Percy tosses his sword to Jess. He doesn't really share his sword with anyone. And to just toss it to Jess. There has to be something between them.

Jess catches the sword by the hilt and examines it. She held it in her hand. You could tell it was a bit awkward for her, but it was close enough.

"Who wants to go first?" asks Percy.

"I'll go," I say. Might as well see how good she is.

She steps forward looking nervous.

"Go Jessy!" shouts Leo.

"Thanks for the support, Leo," I say.

"Hey I can't date you."

Jess blushes profusely. Leo smiles like he won a grand prize.

"Okay enough mushy mushy stuff lets get on with it," said Percy glaring at Leo.

I will have to talk to Annabeth about that. Dang it, I can feel the Aphrodite in me coming out.

"Yeah, let's go," I say. Jessica stands in front of me holding her sword awkwardly.

I attacked first with Katoptris. Jess blocked my knife from slicing her cheek. I smiled. 'She's got some moves.'

We went back and forth for a while I was going easy on her, and she was hardly breaking a sweat. I decide to pick up my level. I went hard on her and in the next minute Percy's sword was on the ground.

Jess was really sweaty and was panting a lot. She sat down on the ground with her hand on her chest. The others were clapping for me from the side of the arena, but I ran to Jess.

Tears were streaming down her face, and she was losing color in her face.

"Jessica, Jessica what's wrong?" I ask. Her breaths were getting shorter. Her eyes were bulging out if her sockets.

"You guys help her," I scream at them. Leo was the first one to reach us.

"What's wrong?" he said getting onto his knees.

"She's not breathing. Go get an Apollo kid."

"No I'm not leaving her," he said roughly.

By that time Percy, Annabeth, and Jason were here. Percy was on his knees close to tears. Annabeth was trying to calm him down and Jason ran off to get an Apollo kid.

I was trying to calm down Jessica.

"Jessica calm down," I said with my charm speak, "Lie down and breath."

She wasn't breathing any better, but she was calming down. Her breaths were almost gone and she was as pale as Nico. Jason came back with an Apollo kid. Cade, I learned his name, was checking her pulse and whatever doctors do.

"I don't know what's wrong," he said.

Jessica started to tap the ground.

"Leo, Leo you know morse code, right?" I ask.


"Then tell me what she's saying."

Percy had tears down his eyes and was mumbling things like 'don't leave me I just got you' or 'not now why now'.

Leo was close to tears but wiped them out of his eyes.

"She's saying, she saying...."


Was anyone else's Wattpad not working or was it just me.

Ohh nice cliff hanger right. Right. No okay then. We I want 5 comments and 7 votes before I post the next chapter unless I am feeling generous and post it. But I am going to write it right after this so I don't know. So go vote and comment. :)

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