Chapter 20

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Sorry it's so short.


Piper's POV

As we got I to they gym, I saw Leo, Jason, and Percy fighting with seven other guys, one of them being Sam.

Seven on four was not fair for regular humans. But with three of the most powerful demigods it was more unfair for the other guys.

I wonder what happened.


(In boys locker room)

Jason's POV

Percy, Leo, and I were joking around and changing when Sam and two of his friends came over.

"Hey, Sam," I greet. Percy and Leo nod also, but he glares at us.

"Now listen," he starts, "we don't want any trouble, but we just came here to say you better back off Annabeth, Piper, and Jessica."

We all glare at him.

"And why would we do that, "says Percy, "enlighten us."

"Well we want them, so we are going to get them.We even choose out who gets who. I of course being the hottest get Jessy-"

"Don't call her Jessy," said Leo.

"I'll call her whatever I want," he replies arrogantly. "James here gets Annabeth."

Cue Percy's glare. And that glare is scary.

"And Derek gets Piper," I glare at him.

"Listen up," starts Leo, "We have been through more stuff then you can count with your tiny little brain, we are not giving that up because you threaten us. And it wasn't even a good threat. And even though we don't really know Jessica, we can say we know her more than you do, so no we will not back off. You back off."

'Go Leo,' I thought.

We a turn and walk into the gym. Only a couple people were in there not including the girls.

"We aren't done with you!" yelled Sam.

"What now," sighs Percy.

Seven guys circle us.

"Now your either going to leave the girls alone by your own decision or we will pound it into you," Sam says.

Leo, Percy, and I share a look.

"We won't leave the girls alone," I say seriously.

Sam smirks. "I guess that settles it."

The seven guys close in and attack. We retaliate. I'm not sure of it was because of us being half god or I they just sucked, but they lost in a matter of minutes.

They hardly landed a punch on us and if they did it didn't hurt. The seven were lying on the ground surrounding us.

"Now if you do t want that to happen again," I said threateningly, "you should really leave us alone."

He stayed on the ground.

We looked around and saw the girls. We walked their way.

"Hey," says Percy nonchalantly.

"What was that?" asked Jessica watching four girls ur. To the guys on the floor.

"Nothing much," I reply, "they just wanted us to stay away from you girls."

"Hmmm," said Annabeth, "Jennifer and her followers wanted us to stay away from you."

"We should watch out for them," said Piper. I smiled at her and she gave me a heart stopping smile.

I pretty sure I almost fainted.

"Alright kiddos," a voice said throughout the gym. We looked to see it was the gym teacher.

"We are going to start are first sport. Volleyball. Since we tested your skills last week we are just going to get right into it."

He i strutted us to get a partner and line up on the courts. I grabbed Piper and ran to a court. She laughed. It was beautiful.

"Slow down. We don't need to run," she said.

"But I want to run," I whined. She sighed and started to run.

Percy grabbed Annabeth, and Leo grabbed Jess. They lined up next to us.

"You know," said Piper. "I'm a pro at volleyball."

"Well I bet I could still beat you. I mean I can control the air."

"I can still beat you."

"Wanna beat."

"Sure. Loser buys everyone ice cream."

"Deal." We shook hands.


Turns out I really suck at volleyball, so after school I bought everyone ice cream at the local ice cream shop.

"Thanks Jay," said Piper kissing my cheek.

"No problem," I grumble, but blush.

"What do you guys want to do now?" asked Percy.

We shrugged, but Jessica stood up.

"Bowling. We have to go bowling!"

"Why bowling," asked Annabeth.

"I've never been bowling and some kids were talking about it," she replied.

"We're you eavesdropping on them?" says Percy kiddingly.

"No," Jessica replies embarrassed.

"Of course," he drawls.

"Wait, you have never ever bowled in your life," finally said Leo paying attention.

"Nope, I never really had the time," she says with a shrug.

"Oh," he says in surprise. "We'll the. We definitely have to go!" he shouts excited.


Next chapter they go bowling. And they might run I to some unexpected people.

Who ever guesses who they run into (it can be vague) I will dedicate a chapter and read/vote/comment on their books.

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