Chapter 26

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Next chapter. Yay.

Dedicated to JazzyGymnast302 because I wanted to do her POV. But I can say I'm a little disappointed. I mean no one asked for Jennifer's or her crews POV or the girl that talked to Piper's POV or one of the weird guys in the vision. I mean you would think you would want to see where that was going but I guess not.

Well whatever here's Jessica.


Jessica's POV

Walking out of the lunch room, I felt great. I punched Sam, the annoying obnoxious poop faced jerk, and my hand didn't even hurt. I know I was going to get yelled at by Percy, but quiet frankly I didn't care. I mean it wasn't nice, but the guy wouldn't leave me alone. For all I know he could have been a monster.

But whatever, for now I just got to go with the flow. Or to gym. I guess I have to go to gym. I would much rather to with the flow though. What is the flow though? I don't know. Onwards to gym.

Heading through the hallways, it was quiet, but then I realized it was still lunch. 'Wow,' I think, 'I must have punched him at the beginning of lunch.' Because I still have about twenty minutes left until I have to be at gym, I head to the library.

It takes me five minutes to walk to the library, and once I'm there I head to the back of the room. I grab a random book and sit down at a desk.

There are only a few other people in the room. The librarian, an old horribly dressed lady who is reading a fashion magazine. That makes no sense. Two girls giggling in the corner on their phones. And a boy, reading a book with glasses. He has glasses not the book.

I decided after looking at the front cover of the book for three seconds to talk to somebody. Since the librarian and the two girls don't look very welcoming I choose they boy. He looked shy and because I'm a little shy to maybe we'll hit it off. Gods, I'm getting more outgoing every day.

"Hey, I'm Jessica. What's your name?" I ask him, sitting at his table. He looks up not looking really shocked I sat down with him. I'm not that concerned with that.

"I'm Matt," he said. "Why are you talking to me?" he asked.

"I was bored and you looked lonely."

"Okay," he said trailing off.

"So..." I say.

"So..." he repeats.

"No your suppose to start a conversation, that's how it goes," I say exasperated.

"But I don't have a conversation to start. Unless you want to talk about," he looks at the cover of his book while pointing, "the past leaders of the world."

I smile slightly, "Well even though I do enjoy a nice talk about the past presidents and dictators and such, I think I'll have to pass." I stand up pushing in my chair. "I'll see you later?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure," he says shrugging.

"Okay, then," I say awkwardly.

"Bye," he says a little annoyed.

I walk away quietly. Well as quietly as I can get, which is pretty much like a stampede of elephants, rhinos, and flamingos. I have got to get Percy to teach me how to walk quietly like him.

The bell rang shrilly, signally that I have to head to gym. 'Great, another gym class,' I thought.

Gym is probably one of the easiest, most fun, but boring classes ever. It is super easy, and I have my friends, but its like too easy.

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