Nicoletta's Tag #2

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Nicoletta tagged me again sig (I actually like doing these tags lol)

1. Your nickname.

Don't have one. You can't make a nickname out of the name 'Katy'

2. Your eye color.

Very very very very very very dark brown

3. Your hair color.

Black / very very dark brown

4. Favorite color.

Lavender / lilac / purple / any shade of purple

5. Favorite place.

I don't really have one I guess???

6. Favorite Celebrity.

Ariana Grande

7. Favorite animal.


8. Favorite song.

I have a lot, but the album Christmas & Chill is bomb by Ariana Grande ;)))

9. One Fact About You!

I know many ways to kill a person ;]

10. Favorite book.

Dead Girls Don't Lie


And anyone else who wants to do it

-Katy :)xx

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