Challenge Thing......again! ^^

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Okay so I was tagged by mariexhood so let's do this!!! Yay!!!

1. Are you single?
Does it count that I'm dating a fictional character with orange hair, who is also very hot and is a cat? Yes okay.

2. Have you ever been cheated on?
Kyo would never do that! Wait in real life? Oh, no. I would've punched the guy in the face if he did.

3. Crush?
Like I said, the hot fictional character that has orange hair and is a cat. I love him.

4. Do you miss your last relationship?
I'm in love with a cat, there was no other relationship before. Then again, there was my bed......

5. Who has your heart?
One: Enough with the love crap.
Two: Kyo.

6. Are you the jealous type?
It depends. If it's something that I like a lot and I want it, then I would get jealous. I'm a nice person so yeah. *REMEMBER THIS!!!* The ones that aren't you are the most jealous.

7. An Ex you want back.
..........Kyo is the only guy I dated in my life so no..........

8. Last time you cried.
Um today because my new internet friend gave me 5 shiny Pokemon.

9. Favorite Song?
Oh this is a hard question. Um I'll go with Thanks for the Memories and Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. They are amazing!!

10. What do you miss?
Fanfiction that ends, Fanfiction that isn't updated, food, my bed, Kyo, my bed, and my friends.

11. Favorite color?
I have two. Blue and Orange. Ask why in the comments if you dare. Mwahahahahhahhahahhahaha ha ha ha okay I'll stop.

12. Eye color?
Hazel. Yeah.

13. Do you believe in love?
Yes, especially when it's the number 13 which stands for my beloved orange cat.

14. Do you give second chances?
Always, everyone needs to be forgiven at times.

15. Are you in love now?
Yes for the billionth time I'm dating an orange cat!!!! And I'm madly in love with him. He he sorry about that....



If you want to do this too then go ahead. I'm going to sleep now because it's Christmas Eve. Goodnight.


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