Silent Treatment

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Dean's Pov:
It's been almost two weeks since we broke up, and it feels like he just died. This hurts so bad. I re-read our messages and his letters. Is Valentine's Day in two days and I really want to get him something. I feel kind of obligated to, since I'm the one who hurt him. He really deserves it common he's such a good guy. And I feel like such a shitty person. I wish I could tell him how much I mean it when I say I'm sorry and that I love him. I've been crying and barely even since we broke up. That's not me and that's how I know that this is really hitting me hard. I feel like a piece of me was taken, tripped out and we'll never be returned. In a way it happened. He was a really big piece of me for such a big amount of time, whether he realize it or not. I wish he would believe me when I say that I love him so much. I was so foolish. My hormones got the best of me and I wish that they wouldn't have. I'm a stupid and selfish teenager. He has been nothing but nice to me, and I shredded the poor kid.

Cas' Pov:
Valentine's Day is in two days and just like every other Valentine's Day, I'm alone. I really wish we never even started dating, or even met for matter of fact. It would have been easier on at least me, I listen to Front Porch Step, he's the best breakup and ever. I'm not sure if it's just one person or a full band. It explains how I feel exactly, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt this low. It's weird to think I just one person can come in and lift you up and you come crashing down just as fast. You put the power in someone's hands to build you up not break you down, but they do exactly what you thought that they wouldn't do. I feel so betrayed and taken advantage of. I got too excited over a cute boy who was or seemed interested in me at the time. I let myself go and I need to stop doing that, it's part of the reason why I got hurt. I wouldn't be hurting if my guard was never let down. I need to form an outer shell so no one gets to the inside, because when people get in it never ends well.

Dean's Pov:
I got him a teddy bear and chocolates for tomorrow period blood smell like that, I'm driving to school and dropping it off with the letter I wrote at the main office. I'm afraid if I confront him face to face it would just be bad. I hope he likes them, i hope he doesn't hate them like he hates me. I tried and even ask some of the girl workers at Target what to buy for Valentine's Day. This is the first Valentine's Day I put thought into it. I think I did good, I won't tell him I'm coming. He was probably just skip school if I told her that I was coming. I'll sit in the parking lot, in case he actually wants to hang out tomorrow instead of just dropping the stuff off and leaving. He probably won't want to hang out, but it won't hurt just to stay in case. I hope there's no hard feelings, and I hope we get back together or at least he like to stuff. I also hope he actually went to school, but I'm pretty sure he did. He goes to school a lot do you like school which is kind of weird but whatever. I go to bed early to get plenty of rest for my long drive in the morning.

Cas' Pov:
I don't even want to go to school for Valentines Day. It'll be nothing but sadness for me seeing all of these couples happy. I probably won't be the only one hurting but I don't want to be hurting at all, or even be breathing. No medications are supposed to help balance my brain things yet they don't help at all. I wish that they would help me take my mind off of this boy who broke me completely. Not even music can help me, and that's when I know I'm in trouble. I know my dad won't let me stay home tomorrow, so I'm not even going to try to ask. Around midnight I decide I should probably go to bed.

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