October In Washington

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Cas' Pov:
First period and I already hate today. I don't really like art I was just put into this class. The teacher talked for like five minutes, then we got to our canvases. There is an array of drawings, poorly drawn fruit, light bulbs, animals, and much more. The bell rings and we all scurry to our second period. It's okay though, history isn't as bad as art. It sped by basically. I head to French II, and that goes by so quick before I know it, it's lunch. I have first lunch. French II is my second favorite subject, right behind english. I go find my friends and sit down and start to eat my packed lunch, we laugh, talk, and eat. We talk everywhere from pop punk to anime to halloween to school and ended on now how bad boy bands are. 45 minutes of talking, laughing, joking, eating, and swapping schedules we head to English, thank god I realized ¾ of my friends are in there. We walk into Mrs. Allen's, and she greets us and waits for us to sit down. She begins by saying "Class, my cousin is a teacher down in Portland and we thought it'd be a good way to kick off the school year even though we're 3 weeks into it, by creating pen-pals. We assigned you a student based on who we think you are, let me pass out names, which has their name attached to it as well." That actually sounds somewhat interesting. I hope I get a girl, since I'm gay so it won't be awkward at all. She comes around and gives out appers, and of course chooses to give me mine last. I take a glance at mine, reading it more after just glancing at the name. Dean Winchester, Grade 11. Only a grade above me, not bad. I hope he's like super straight or something so this won't be as awkward as i thought, fuck.

Dean's Pov:
First period wasn't like the rest. Ms.Carroll didn't quite say anything, but gave us little papers with people's name and grade on them. Castiel, grade 10. No last name? Weird. Okay. What the fuck do we do with them? Ms. Carroll starts with "My cousin is a teacher in the Seattle area, and you all now have pen-pals. Write a letter to whoever is on your paper, put it in the envelope i will provide. Lick it sealed, put the name on it and then hand it to me when you're done." Well then, I start to write my letter.
"Dear Castiel,
Hi, my name is Dean but you might already know that. I'm 16 years old, and a junior, which you most likely already know as well. I like rock and roll music, preferably older. I love cars, I drive my grand fathers old 1967 chevy impala. I think she's beautiful, my dad didn't want her so I took her. I'm not really interesting I don't know what to quite say or write in this case. I have a younger brother, my mom died when I was like really young. We jump around sort of a lot so don't expect much more letters, sorry it had to be me.
Yours truly,
Dean Winchester. "
The letter wasn't super long or anything, but it was kind of okay.. I lick the horribly disgusting envelope, and I give it to Ms. Carroll. It feels like a Friday but it's barely even Wednesday. I usually leave at lunch, but I stayed which was more than stupid on my part. I got all of the late work that I had been neglecting. I decide to leave after 5th period, i will NOT get any MORE work that I'm not even going to end up doing. I guess school wasn't too bad after all, I still don't understand how people can go for 9 months out of the fucking year. I'll skip tomorrow and just go Friday. Castiel, that's kind of a weird name. I keep repeating his name to me, well I assume it's a guy. No last name too? That's pretty fucking weird. It's even weirder that I was even thinking about it.

Cas' Pov:
I get home from school to my dad cooking with Mitch. Mitch is my dad's boyfriend but I'm not really too fond of him. We're having pot roast, it smells good I guess. I head right to my room which is covered in Blink-182, Green Day, New Found Glory and The Story So Far posters. I have a wide music taste but I love my pop punk. I sit on my bed, grab my iPod, headphones, and notebook putting my iPod on shuffle. My notebook is hidden underneath my pillow, I don't know where else is secretive enough to where my dad won't find it. I begin to write whatever comes to mind, after a while, 4 pages later all I hear is my dad knocking at my door, it's dark outside, it must have been quite a while. He opens the door when I yell "What?", he says softly "dinner's ready kiddo." Another night I didn't do homework, just lost in my notebook and music, typical. After eating I go to shower, before getting into the shower I stare at an altoids box that happens to hold my metallic best friend. I put it back in my drawer, and just decide to shower. I begin to go to sleep like usual, but I repeat to myself "Dean Winchester, odd name."
*Friday, still Cas' pov*
I walk into English, and see that we got our letters. They're placed at our desks, neatly. Mrs. Allen says, before we open them "Today is just to read and respond to the letters, have fun, don't be too loud." Cool. I open Dean's letter, and see his semi-crappy handwriting, at least I can read it, I guess. I read fairly quick but I mutter little things to myself as I read it. "Rock is cool, cars are nice, little brother must suck, i'm sorry about your mom, at least you knew yours a little, mine just left." I begin to write my letter back, trying to write neatly.
"Dear Dean,
I'm Castiel as you can tell, but people usually call me Cas, so feel free. I like all music but love pop punk. I'm a 10th grader, which again you already know. I'm 15. I'm not a huge car buff but cars are certainly cool. If you are a homophobic asshole please don't write back, for I am gay, and if you are okay with it, I hope you don't think I'm going to try and hop on your dick, not all gays do that. My dad also has a boyfriend, so it's a household full of gay. Anyways, I kind of like anime, and I love writing and history. That's about it. Oh and I'm kind of short for a guy. I'm like 5'5". Write back or don't, I won't cry if you don't. Your choice.
Was that mean? Nah, just straight to the point. I'm bad at explaining myself anyways. Let's just hope if he does write back, it's nice. If it isn't nice, he won't get a very nice letter. I wonder if we'd get in trouble though.. oh well.

Dean's' Pov:
UGH. Mondays fucking suck. The weekend went by way too fast. They got the letters, Ms. Carroll and Mrs. Allen met and exchanged them. "They should come every two days." I open mine from Castiel, and begin to read it. I laugh and chuckle here and there. Fuck, he even swore. I take out a piece of paper and start to write a response.
I'm bisexual. I can't be homophobic. Pop punk is okay, and anime isn't even enjoyable, but that's cool. You're the typical nerd, you're so short!! I'm 5'11" ish. If we ever meet, 'll tower over you. I hope you had a good weekend.
I hope he doesn't mind that the letter wasn't very long. I hope he also doesn't think I'll jump his bones because I'nm bisrexual. I hope we become friends he seems pretty chill. We'd be good mates but hey who knows maybe he'll just end up being a total jerk. I left before lunch because today just fucking sucks. I don't know why I leave, because I just sit at home doing nothing. Watching Dr. Sexy M.D. secretly, until Sammy comes home. Whereas at school I'm getting a free education, I really shouldn't skip, but I'll be gone before any real test or grading period so fuck it. I gave up a few high school's ago. Sammy never really quits, he wants to be a Lawyer. He takes freshman classes in the 7th grade. I wish I was as smart as him but brains aren't really my thing. I guess the whole pen-pals thing is kind of cool, i've never had one before. I mean let's be honest me and Castiel wouldn't even be friends if we went to the same school.

Cas' Pov:
I get Dean's letter and chuckle, I'm glad to know there's a little bit of a potential friendship. Uh-oh, Mrs. Allen said our next letters will be accompanied by a picture of ourselves. Well nevermind about that friendship thingy. I begin to write a letter responding.
Good to know there could be a friendship here. How's Oregon? I don't assume it's much different than here, it's only like a 4-5 hour drive.
It's short but hey I don't know what else to say. I think they're good questions. It'll keep him writing, 5'11"; he's so tall.. If we meet? What does that even mean? We haven't talked super long, why is he thinking of meeting me?

Dean's Pov:
I didn't go to school, unless I knew there was a letter waiting. I was looking forward to it. I don't get very many friends, so even forced friends meant a lot to me. I get into first, ask about the letters, we get them, I read them and then I write back.
First off I thought we were already friends.. too soon? That's okay, we're friends now, hey friend!:)P The weather is okay, just moved here so like I can't really say a whole bunch, sorry to disappoint. Oregon isn't too bad I guess, we have only been here 3-4 weeks. Yeah it's probably around the same. You know? Gay moment. Your letters, are the only reason I really come to school. I really don't get very many friends, but yeah. I hope your halloween is cool, it's in about a week, I don't really celebrate Halloween, but yeah.I finally called you Cas, haha.
I hope he doesn't take the gay moment wrong, now to wait until he responds. I have no patience, so this should be fun, a whole two days.

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