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Dean's Pov:
I'm actually so sad that he has to leave. I really wanted to meet him. He was supposed to meet me tomorrow night. Is this how other people see you when I leave? It feels terrible. I listen to "Tear In My Heart" again. Twenty Øne Piløts is so weird, I don't know if I quite like them. The music video is placed in like Japan or something. I turned on Metallica, this is my shit. I put in my headphones, lean back, and close my eyes. I feel myself dozing and for some reason instead of sleeping I text Cas.
Me: hey, I'm kind of bummed we didn't meet. How about New Years? Can I drive up?
Cas: yeah, I'd like that. :)
Me: ok, send me your address soon, and I'll see you in like, what four ish days?.
Cas: Yep :) will do, remind me after Christmas.
Me: Okie :)
Is this seriously about to happen? Wow I'm too excited to sleep.

Cas' Pov:
I don't mention it to my dad until Christmas Eve. I asked "Dad can we talk in my room?" My dad nods, we go into my room and he asks "what's up?" I shall we begin, but how? I've never really asked, I start. "Remember Dean? He wants to come up for New Years and stay here for a for a night or two?" My dad's eyes light up as he says "of course" he leaves he leaves and I eagerly text Dean.
Me: It's a yes!:)
Dean: okay sweet! By the way Merry Christmas Eve.
I smile as I reply.
Me: You too :)
Nobody has ever wish me a happy Merry Christmas Eve. There's a first for everything I guess. I remember I have an art project to do. I read the directions aloud to myself. "Draw what you think is the most beautiful thing in life". I think, I grab a piece of printer paper and proceed to draw a heart. On the back I write. "i drew a simple heart this is probably supposed to be an intricate drawing. To me love is the most beautiful thing. You can't really see it, but you know it's there. Love can make or break you emotionally wall nothing else can. It's really emotionally strong." I'm pretty sure that's a good reasoning for the way I'm drawing. My dad calls me down, and has made cookies for our family tomorrow.

Dean's Pov:
Sammy wakes me up, I look outside and it's still dark. He whispers "it's Christmas". He goes to the living room area gasps and hollers for me. I walk outside. Dad, a tree, and presents.. Wow. Dad hugs us and says "Merry Christmas boys." I watch Sammy open gifts he seems so happy. I had to open the first one, and its pictures of me and mom and dad. In the second one i open, which is my last one, is $400. I gasp and say "dad thank you so much" he stands up and says "last but not least". He hold up a pair of keys and says keys "to our new home boys". Sammy gets excited as I do. "It is up to you guys we can start either tonight or tomorrow". We both stay tonight. I tell dad I'm leaving on the 29th for Washington, he says "okay be safe." Nice. Four days, I'll be Washington bound. We are moving really soon, the house is so big. It takes us about 2 hours to move everything. My phone vibrates and it doesn't stop what the fuck? Cas called me. I answer it and now he says shyly Merry Christmas and I said it back smiling, he has to hang out but damn that was adorable, he is adorable.

Cas' Pov:
His voice was a lot deeper than I imagined. I was shaking even after the call. He calls me, again and informs me that he's actually in a house. He also said he's leaving at noon on the 29th to come here, so I just gave him my address. Three days he'll be here, wowza. I hope he isn't intimidated by my house. Dads going to make him sleep in the guest room, so probably a good idea because I want to cuddle him so bad. Maybe these feelings are two-sided. They kind of seemed to be. He compliments me a lot, maybe that's just him flirting and I'm blind to it. He texted me!
Dean: can I call later?
Me: yeah, for what?
Dean: you can't answer a question with a question, but just to talk to you, I just like your voice :)
Me: awww same :)
Dean: lmao you like your own voice?;)
Me: Jerk ;)
He calls, next thing I know is that we're on the phone for almost 6 hours. When I falling asleep on the phone. So. Cute.

Dean's Pov:
I wake up and you're still on the phone, I put the phone to my ear and listen. He's talking to his...? Cas says "I'm crashing so hard on him, he's perfect, nice, gorgeous, and his voice makes me melt." His dad (must be) says "the same boy that's coming over in two days?" "Yeah..." Cas responds. I hang up, chuckling. Does he really feel that way? I'd be lying if I said I didn't because I so do. I find comfort in this boy. I look at the clock on my phone it and its 1:24 p.m. damn. I decided to text him but I won't tell him I heard him.
Me: Hey cutie :)
Cas: Oh, hey. :D did you sleep well?
Me: yeah, did you?
Cas: Yes :)
Me: That's good maybe I'll have a new year's kiss.... I bet his lips are soft. He seems like a gentle boy. And they like this boy, I'm done hiding it. Will make dinner and surprisingly it lets them talk to Cas in the meantime. There's not much I can say that embarrass me that's not actually true, I bet these feelings are not just me I think he's feeling them as well.

Cas' Pov:
Me and Sam talk well then makes dinner. Sam keeps calling me his boyfriend, and I like it so I don't correct him. Once him and I are in our bedrooms, we got on the phone until we fall asleep, I love falling asleep with him. It's comforting, and I tend to sleep better. I hope it makes him sleep better as well. I wake up crying and I can't remember if I had a nightmare, but I check to see what time it is. I hear Dean say "Cas are you okay!? hey wake up!" I answer shakily "yeah I'm okay I think..." he responds "close your eyes, lay down and listen." He begins to sing a song and before I know it, I wake up at 11 a.m., not on the phone anymore.
Me: I'm so sorry for waking you up last night. I didn't mean to and I wouldn't know that I would. I haven't had a nightmare in a while.
Dean: it's more than okay. "Hey Jude" always made me go back to sleep, my mom sang it to me. Sammy has nightmares too, don't worry about it.
Oh... I'm glad he doesn't think I'm weird that's so sweet of him. I realize he'll be here tomorrow
Me: tomorrow, I'll see you.
Dean: I know, I'm excited.
Me: Same :)

Dean's Pov:
Tomorrow. Damn. I'm nervous. I decide to make a nice dinner for my dad and Sammy. My dad is off until we go back to school, January 5th. So he'll be home a lot. I eat quickly, and go hop in the shower. I wash everything, and shave my chest and other areas, well trim my chest. Gotta leave some hair there, but it's not so hairy he might not like it. I get out of the shower and check my phone, he texted me! It's around 8 o'clock, and I need to sleep soon so that I can get up early for the long drive.
Cas: I'm going to say goodnight, I have an early start. Good night see you tomorrow. :)
Me: good night see you then!:))
I lay down after taking one of Sammy's melatonin, I play "Hey Jude" and before I know it I'm asleep. I wake up to my phone not ringing I answer it, Cas is panting he says frantically "Dean are you okay?!" I say tiredly "yes why?" He explained to me his dream and after he was done he asked shyly "sing to me...?" I smile and then I start singing "Hey Jude."

Cas' Pov:
I wake up to a text.
Dean: I'm leaving earlier than I planned. I'll be there by 3 ish. You're cute when you mumble by the way in your sleep. I can't wait to see you, dont text back I'll be driving and won't check my phone
I straighten up my room, the guest room and make my dad make pizza rolls for lunch. Mitch hollers "he's here!" I start having a panic attack, the doorbell rings and Mitch answers it. Dean hollers "Cas" I come out and he smiles so big, it makes me blush. He pulls me into a tight hug, we get his stuff in the guest room, as i give him the tour of the house. We eat in my room, and endlessly talk. Dad just brings dinner into my room and smiles and then leaves. I began to shake I hope he doesn't notice.

Dean's Pov:
I've been here for a day and a half, I can tell he gets nervous and tries to hide it. I'm going to take the leap and kiss them on New Year's Day. Tomorrow at the midnight, we will kiss. I going to the guest room almost asleep, I hear him whimpering. I go into his room forgetting I'm in just boxers, he doesn't wake up when I try so I crawl in next to him. He curls up into me and quits whimpering, it's adorable. I fall asleep rubbing his back. I wake up to him getting dressed. I smile and say "good morning." I want more of these. He looks really pissed. He turns around and says angrily "you can't just use me!" I'm confused.. "what?" "We're both basically naked connect the dots!" Oh no... "I was almost asleep you are whimpering sorry for not dressing before trying to comfort you!" I walk into the guest room and shut the door. Wow, he's so fucking idiotic to think I'd ever use him fuck it.

Cas' Pov:
I knock on the door and say "Dean... I'm sorry... I.. I'm sorry.. Truly..."He opens the door and asks "why?" I look down shaking, I need to start taking my medication the more often. He notices and just starts to hold me. "i would never use you, I like you and value what we have." Okay cuddling was nice though. He takes me to a frozen yogurt place for lunch, held my hand a little it was nice. Around 7 my dad made pizza. Dean really hit it off with Mitch and my dad. Around 11 we turn on Seattle's countdown to New Years. We all laugh, sitting on the couches. Before we know it we're yelling 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. One! I see Mitch and my dad kiss and to my surprise Dean kisses me. I just felt like it was just me and him, fireworks of my own exploded in my stomach. And everyone that to end. He pulled away and said softly happy new year. I said it back blushing so hard.

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