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Cas' Pov:
Friday comes, unlike the letter. I really don't want to send a picture of myself, my confidence is pretty low. I guess I'll have to wait to get the letter. It looks like everybody else in class is bummed they didn't get their letters. I'm glad that I'm not the only one to get excited over these sort of lame letters. My friends want to go bowling tomorrow night. The cool "midnight bowling". I'm not that great at bowling, I don't know... Somehow they con me into going, but what do you even wear to go bowling? Casual? Fancy? Hobo? I make sure it's okay with my dad Friday night, so I'm set. I go into my room and blast "Good Riddance" by Green Day as I shout out the words, thinking of my ex boyfriend. I guess I fell asleep, because I woke up around noon propped up against my dresser. Cool. I'm not very excited to go bowling.. I woke up Sunday in my friends' bed, what in the.. "WHAT?! HOW?! WHY ARE WE NAKED?!" I got way too drunk last night, fucking nerds.. Could be worse. Monday comes so quick but I only go to school for the letter, my whole body aches. I wasn't about to wake up at 6 am anyways I get to school in time, letters were passed out first thing. I open his, and read it chuckling, awww Halloween haha. I forgot about it this year honestly. I pull out paper and begin writing back, before I forget to dig for the photo I have of me to give to him. It's just of me last year in a suit for the christmas bash thingy, it was the only nice one i have of myself. I grab a pen and begin to write.
That was very sweet of you, I hope you had a good halloween. I'm glad to be your friend. This picture you're receiving is from last year, I've gained maybe just 10 lbs. I don't really do photos well, so I hope you don't get scared away. You are a cool guy, why did you bring up the possibility of us meeting though? It's been haunting me not quite knowing why you brought it up.
Our letters are shorter now and aren't even as formal as they used to be, I like it. I fold the paper around the envelope kind of nicely, I address the envelope, seal it, hand it to Mrs. Allen and wait for the bell to ring so I can skip class and just go home I have such a raging headache.

Dean's Pov:
I go to school Monday for absolutely no reason, and once I figure that out I just go home. I had to stay home Tuesday, Sammy had a nightmare and was throwing up. He has really gory dreams of mom dying in the worst of ways. Poor kid. I go to school Wednesday in hopes there was a letter waiting for me, and there was. I open it, and and then a picture falls out. He is not quite what I expected, he's rather.. handsome. And HE likes pop punk? I never would have guessed, he looks like a country boy. He also cleans up very nicely. I didn't bring a picture so I asked someone to just take a quick picture of me I could send. I don't clean up much, what you see is what you get. I print it out and then begin to write my letter.
Your confidence needs to be higher, you are a very attractive man and I say this in the friendliest way possible. I would flirt with you, believe me, but I'm most likely leaving soon and we've never met so I don't want to be the dick who gets your hopes up. Since you put in a picture I guess I will, too. I hope you like it :) My halloween was pretending nobody was home and making pizza. I said that because I think it'd be cool if we met, yenno? I think we've become close under these circumstances. How was your halloween?
I'm trying not to stare at his picture, but that boy is cute and adorable and shorter than me.. I wish-- DEAN LISTEN TO YOURSELF STOP YOU CAN'T CRUSH YOU'LL BE GONE SOON you can't crush on this boy. nope. To keep myself from thinking about him, I'll go to school, easy as that. Lame but maybe it'll work. The next day I go into Mr. A's class (Alistair), and he applauded my appearance, don't know if he was being a dick or sarcastic. I sit down at my seat, get out my pre-calculus book and start actually working on the assignment that's been written on the board. It's really easy anyways, I took pre-calc 3 schools ago too. This girl is blaring music in her headphones and it sounds kind of cool. I tap her shoulder and ask her "what are you listening too?" She smiles and responds with "Twenty one pilots." Hmm... maybe they're cool, I'll look them up later unless I forget.

Cas' Pov:
I.Got.The.Cold. I haven't been at school in like two days, I literally feel like shit. I feel like 30 semi-trucks ran over me and I'm dying. Dean's just going to have to wait, at this rate I won't be back in school in a week. I hope he doesn't think I just dropped him, that'd be so bad.

Dean's Pov:
I haven't heard from him in like a week. Did he not like what I said? Does he just not want to be my penpal anymore? Why does this bother me so much? I don't want to lose a friend, I guess. He's just so adorable and cuddly.. WHY AM I THINKING THIS I CANNOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM. I guess I'm just scared ever since Jo to actually feel again.. I'm used to being independent now.

Cas' Pov:
It's been almost a week and a half since I've gone to school, and I hope Dean doesn't think I dropped him. Tomorrow I'm going to school, I've already wrote him a letter, and put it in an envelope. I just had an Upper Respitory Infection. which is basically an enhanced cold. My dad makes me chicken noodle soup with grilled cheese. I lay down and listen to The Story So Far, and eventually fall asleep. I go to my 5th period and I hand the letter to Mrs. Allen right away. I ask if he sent one and she said yes, I got all happy and excited to open it.

Mrs. Allen's Pov:
Once Castiel opened the letter, he looks at what seems to be a picture his cheeks go red. He's such a nice fellow. I begin class with "We're going to start with warm-ups." He can't take his eyes off of the picture, I have to remind him to get his warm-ups started. He's so fond of that Dean kid it seems, I'm so glad we picked a good kid for him. He never even did his warm-ups just read the letter and he winged it once I asked him what he wrote down, he put the picture in his wallet. That's really neat. I'm glad we decided to do this penpal thing. The other kids seem to be pretty content with who we paired them up with. As a teacher I like to see smiles on their faces it means I did my job right.

Cas' Pov:
HE IS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE AND HANDSOME!! He isn't trying to flirt? It seemed to have happened anyways, but that's okay. He's giving me butterflies, aw. Nobody's really complimented me... I can't crush on him after my ex boyfriend tore me apart so bad. But damn he's flawless! Okay, so maybe his handwriting isn't the best but it's legible. Max, my only girl best friend texted me.
Max: Hey, you busy? Wanna chill?
Me: Sorry, busy with homework :( missing a week piles up.. raincheck?
Max: Yeah, don't drown I'll miss you gayboy (;
God, her idiotic insults/compliments make me laugh. I wish they could take my mind off of Dean.. Even when I'm drowning in homework, he still finds a way to sneak into my brain, and clutter it. I ask myself "Am I crushing on a boy I've never even met?" I stare at his picture, his half-smile is adorable. How could anyone ever hurt him? He seems precious. He seems pretty lonely because if he's excited of ME, that should say something. I wonder if he had a phone, texting would sure be easier and not as intense as waiting for a letter. He probably does, everybody does.

Dean's Pov:
After about two weeks I get a pretty lengthy letter explaining how sick he was, poor guy. I wish I could have helped. Heh, it'd be cute to help someone get back to wellness other than Sammy. I wish I could have made him feel better. I don't know how or why I'm even feeling this way, I need or should stop. I don't know I like it.. Dad called and said by the end of November we should be leaving, so I need to start detaching myself. I write what hopes to be my last letter to him.
I'm leaving at the end of the month.. I'm so sorry. It's been really fun talking to you and having a friend, I can't thank you enough for that. You are a super nice guy and I hope you the best future. But it's really best that it ended here. I'm sorry. Good Bye.
I wrote my name terribly for a reason, I really don't want to send it..... this is difficult, fuck.... If I knew this was for the better and not the worst I would not send it. It kind of hurts that I have to. I have to just keep repeating it to myself but it's for the better. He was such a nice guy and I hope to find someone like it later in life.

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