Vacation.. Sort Of

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Cas' Pov:
Here and then have not talked about meeting so I don't think we will. 3 days. I'm actually kind of excited for a new city, new adventures. Sure, I don't like Mitch much, but maybe will bond a little. He always tries so hard to have me like him, maybe that's why I don't. I should be sad about not meeting Dean in person. The truth is I feel like we've already met, it would be nice if we can meet but I'm not going to count on it.
*5:36 pm*
Dean: hi. Dean talks/mentions u all the time, im sam.
Me: oh really? Hi sam.
Dean(sam): ya, well a little. We had pizza rolls and fries 4 dinner n dean said it was ur fav he mentions u at least onse a day.
Me: interesting. Where's he at now?
Dean(sam): showering.
Me: oh, it was fun talking to you but i've got to go for dinner. Talk later?
He never replied, but awww Dean remembers what my favorite food or foods are, I think that's straight up adorable. Nobody really remember stuff about me I'm not really the remembering type. Other than me and my dad none of my friends remember anything about me except for my favorite color and stuff. If I don't say it daily to my friends they don't know it. That's all the romantic is that weird to think? Probably why I thought of it so... I slightly chuckle to myself.

Dean's Pov:
IM. GOING. TO. KILL. SAM!!! I can't even fucking a shower without that little weasel fucking things up. "YOU CAN'T JUST GO THROUGH MY PHONE AND SAY WHATEVER TO WHOEVER SAM!!!" Sam retorted "THEN LOCK YOUR PHONE AND I WON'T TALK TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" I yell back "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND SAM, STOP SAYING ANYONE IS MY BOYFRIEND, GO TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I PUT YOU THERE!" I'm not fucking joking, I will kill him.
Me (6:52 pm): Cas, I am so sorry for what Sam said to you. He is so embarrassing. I can't even fucking shower
Cas (7:02 pm): hey, it's fine. I wouldn't understand because I'm the understand but don't worry about it, it was cute anyways :3
Me (7:05 pm): at least someone thought so I guess, haha.
I'm struggling to fucking kill Sam, I swear to God. Awww, he thought it was cute, he's so cute.
Cas: hey can you look a song up for me?
Me: Sure.
Cas: tear in my heart by twenty øne piløts.
I told my youtube app on my phone, I type in the song and I listen.

Cas' Pov:
I told him to listen to a cute song, like I hope he gets the cuteness from it, I don't want to straight out tell that I have crush on him. I don't want to scare him away with spilling feelings too soon.
Dean (8:30 pm): I like it. They are weird. But I like.
9:45 hey? It's already fall asleep on me now.
10:23 ok good night.
I text him in the morning once I wake up.
Me: I fell asleep, I am so sorry. I hope your not mad at me.
Waiting for him to reply, I pack. We leave tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. I got four pairs of pants, five shirts, boxers, socks, and most importantly my ipod and headphones. I learned yesterday where is staying for 5 days, right up until Christmas Eve. The drive is about four to five hours and it does not include the pit stops. This time I'll wait for Dean text me first today. Well after my text this morning.
*next day around 5:00 am*
All day nothing, and nothing today. Oh well, we are Oregon bound soon, and I'm not as nervous as I was just a week ago. Probably because I realized that we won't accidentally meet or bump into each other. We've been in the car close to an hour and Dean still hasn't texted me and he probably just doesn't wake. And in the meantime I'll nap, Front Porch Step has me sleepy anyways.

Dean's Pov:
Holy shit, it's almost 4pm and Cas could be in the same hotel, or crosstown. I can't believe he was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. I reach beside my bed to grab my phone.
Me: hey, just woke up. What's up?
Cas: hanging in the hotel room, it's nice. Enjoy it once I basically have my own room. You?
Wow that sounds pretty fancy.
Me: eating ravioli. I love ravioli. How do you like Portland?
Cas: it sort of the same as Seattle. But it's nice to get away from home. Ahhh, well that sounds good.
Me: so how long are you staying?
Cas: why? But 5 days. And there
Me: so I know if it's safe to leave my house haha.
Cas: this very funny. You should be a comedian.
Sad part is I thought about it, but that'll never happen. Randomly seeing him is impractical why am I even nervous? He just a friend. A cute, short, knives, sweet friend. Friend. That term itself is so foreign, I've never really had a friend. Second thought, I want to meet him... he probably does not want to though. He's with family why would he want to meet me?

Cas' Pov:
We go to a McDonald's nearby and we sit down, and me and Mitch are actually getting along. We got our food and chat and eat. I keep on the lookout for Dean, even though I've only seen one picture of him. He'll never come close to me, again it's just wishful thinking. When we leave, a tall boy with a leather jacket entered in the other door, my heart drops thinking of him I hear lady holler "Chase!" the boy goes back outside and answers "yes mom?" Oh, what is his appointment. I'm sad it wasn't him, but I need to stop thinking something like that would even happen. We get back to the hotel and I text him.
Me: you aren't the only one sporting a bad boy look.
Dean: haha oh? That's actually a thing? I thought I was the only bad boy around here lmao.
Me: unfortunately, no...
I really love how much of a smart ass he is. It just makes talking to him way more fun. Four more days here, I will meet him, that's my mission. I need to meet this boy.

Dean's Pov:
He thought he saw me McDonald's? I bet his heart dropped so hard. Sammy yells across the hotel room "so when do I get to meet your boyfriend???" IM GOING TO KILL HIM. "he isn't my fucking boyfriend you rat!"
Me: cas, can we meet?
Cas: um sure where? When?
Wow I didn't even think he'd yes or sure
Me: what are you guys doing tomorrow night?
Cas: going ice skating. you want to meet so soon what's wrong?
Me: I just need to get out of the house, figured we could meet, since we do talk a lot.
Cas: fair enough, ask if you can tag along?
Me: yeah sure... I've never been ice skating, so I won't be skating... well, what are you doing tomorrow night?
Cas: paintballing. Ice skating is fun, you might like it.
Hmmm... no i don't wanna go.
Me: I'll join in on paintballing :)
Cas: cool :)
I just kind of a date? That would be cute... He's cute. I feel myself get hot, touch my cheeks and I'm blushing? I can't be...

Cas' Pov:
Did we just set up a date? No, we're just friends, stop that. Just because you have feelings doesn't mean he does. I don't even like paintballing, it hurts. But however, I'll live I guess. I can't wait to go ice skating soon. Mitch gets out of the shower and text me "get ready". Is opening the door really that much harder? I guess. Lazy ass. My dad comes into my room and says "I'm glad you and that you seem to be a bond bonding thank you for trying. It means a lot to me." He smiled the line. Queuing his exit. We get into the car. The drive is bearable it, looks fancy. The lady asked for size and I begin to shake, my dad notices and follows up his up with mine. I hope he doesn't realize I'm not taking my anxiety medication. We're done, after Mitch falling and girls flirting. Well trying. I checked my phone and Dean texted me.
Dean: Sammy's sick, idk bout tmrw, sorry,
Me: okay, no worries :)
My heart sinks. I was looking forward to that. Oh well I guess we can try again later I'm not leaving tomorrow anything.

Dean's Pov:
Sammy had to start puking before I met Cas and not after!?! I hate that I have to care for him he's a big boy. This angers me. I wanted to meet him and he probably thinks I'm being a flight... Chances of meeting him are gone now. Maybe that's for the best fucking Sammy... the one time I want to get out of the house and do something Sammy has to ruin my fucking plans. The one thing I'm really looking forward to have to be around tonight to stay home with this fuckwad.
*24 hours later*

Cas' Pov:
Paintballing would have been more fun with Dean, we have to leave earlier, for dad's business. Fuck. I have until June to meet him I guess. I just hate that we leaving early it's not fair we still had a good like two days left I could have met him and that two days. Its not fair but what am I going to do about it?
Me: we have to leave tonight for my dad's business bull shit trip thing. I am so sorry we couldn't meet this time but maybe there will be another time we can set up a day to meet.
Dean: oh no.. I'm sorry.

Ugh. Cute boy, you don't know how bad I want to touch you and hear your voice. I want to know you smell like a more than anything in the world. This upsets me more than it should because we're not even dating, hell or barely even best friends.

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