Unexpected Call

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Cas' Pov:
Me and Dean haven't talked in about two weeks. Finals are coming up, I really don't want to stress. My medications don't work anymore, I'm going to get a higher dose. Lately I've been painting pictures on my skin... I've gotten a lot worse. My friends won't talk to me ever since Bobby and his "crew" have started picking on me. It's like I don't really have anyone I can turn to anymore. And Dean probably forgot about me. I've been skipping school, I don't want to go. This is such a low point in my life, I don't know if I can go on. I put on "Island of the misfit boy" by my front porch step. Sing along as the tears roll down my cheeks and onto my chest. I punched the wall, my dad flies in. He sees me crying it he holds me and says "tomorrow will take you to your counselor. I love you Cas." I whimper back "I love you too". If I wake up tomorrow.... I get out papers, and begin to write my final letter. Address it to my dad, Mitch, and Dean. Four pages later I decide it's time. I'm scared, but I'll be fine tomorrow.

Dean's Pov:
We haven't talked in 2 ish weeks and the school thing has been killing me.
Me: I'm sorry I miss you like hell Cas. You're so important to me... you have no idea..
He never responds. Oh well... Maybe he just doesn't really care. I wake up the next morning the feeling empty and stupid. The whole day sucked, and in 6th period I get a phone call, but let it go to voicemail because I did not recognize the number. I stepped outside and listen to it thinking maybe it was someone important.
"Its Cas' dad, call me back as soon as possible Dean."
My heart races, I called the number back shakily. I think of the worst, I feel like I'm about to throw up. Almost all four rings went by, but when the fourth one started a person picked up.
"Last night Cas attempted suicide."
My eyes are flooded with tears. My heart is filled with emptiness. Am I going to have to help arrange a funeral? God no.....
"He was unsuccessful, thank god. I just thought that you should know."
"I'll be there soon."
I hang up, grab my stuff, and head to my car. I call my dad and tell him what happened, I speed crying and shaking frantically. It seems like I was only driving for 2 hours. Time flies in your freaking out. I only think of the worst, his dad said it was unsuccessful but what if he dies in the hospital? I don't know if I could live with myself, I know when this happened and I couldn't stop it. I get to the hospital around 6 p.m. I rush in, his dad point me to his room, once I see Cas he mouths "Dean..." I rush in and I hug him. He starts crying and apologizing, I say "you're stupid but I love you." He says it back we both stop crying. I sit by his bed and hold his hand as we talk about why he did it.

Cas' Pov:
When I tell him about the bullying, he says "I'm going to kill those bastards!" I'm so happy he cared enough to come. I feel so bad that he had to see me like this. It gets dark, and I start to get sleepy. He tells me to scoot over, I do it kind of confused and he crawls into the hospital bed with me. We cuddle and fall asleep. That was probably the cutest thing ever. I wake up, and Deans sound asleep. Both of my dads are knocked out and chairs across the room. I snuggle into him, he's so warm and cozy. Next time I wake up my dad and Dean are talking, and then sees me awake comes in and talk to me softly. I'm so lucky to have them in my life, even as a friend. Then he says "I'm staying here for a week you should be a discharged tomorrow. While your dads are at work I'll look after you." I nod and my dad walks in with my nurse she just asked how I am, takes my blood pressure, gives me soup and leaves. This is going to be an interesting week. I have a whole week to just see him? That's amazing. It's kind of cute that he's offering to take care of me for a whole week. It's really kind and generous, I'm probably more excited than I should be.

Dean's Pov:
I should have texted him more. I should have helped him more. Maybe this is my fault? My brain is flooded with what I should have done more. I don't know what I would have done if he would have been successful, my life would have been changed forever. His dad's looks so worried the look in their eyes I've never seen before. It made me so sad, to see that in such a nice peoples eyes. I set up with my dad so that I could stay here for a week. Dad's going to have to make dinner for a while. If I have to bring Sammy up here I will, but I'm not leaving him alone. I made that mistake once and look where it got us, in the hospital. I don't want there to be a next time. This scared me enough, I care about him way too much to let this happen. If I have to tag along to school everyday with him to make sure nobody picks on him, I surely will. I don't know why people would even pick on him, he's amazing. I guess not everyone is going to love you. I have never been bullied, so I don't know what it's like. But if it can drive someone to try and take their life, I don't know what I would do if I were him. I look at his wrists and looked back at him. Not all of these are from last night, he has so many scars. I wish I could help and more. He doesn't deserve this pain.

Cas' Pov:
Since he got here I feel like a fool. I doubted him, I shouldn't have. I hope he doesn't think I'm a freak. This is a big mistake and I'm glad I'm alive, well sort of. He's so nice and caring. I don't know what I would do without him. My parents seem to like him, and I'm in love with him. It's kind of nice that I can just stay home, and not have to face school. I feel safe and secure with Dean, I wish I was as strong as him. I'm reassured now, that he actually likes me. I don't think we'll ever do anything to jeopardize that again. I just hope after this week he doesn't just leave, and he stays around. But the last thing I want is for my dads or Dean to think that this was their fault. I just have it implanted in my brain that I'm a burden socially, physically, emotionally. I noticed I'm looking at my rest and then back up my eyes, I try and hide them but he just unveiled them. I guess I can't hide everything forever. After this week, I have a feeling he'll probably leave me forever.

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