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Ruby's Pov:
It's been about a week since I texted Cas, and I haven't gotten any bad vibes from Dean. We've been having sex everyday and only gets better and better. I don't think he ever caught on that I texted Cas, and if cas texted back, he didn't put two and two together that I might do something like that. I'm just glad that the middle man is gone here, because he's all mine. I've learned when he's angry he does it 12 times better than when he was not, I made him angry by bring up Cas today but it was a great idea. He is so defensive and so sad like he actually loves him, but if he loved him he wouldn't have cheated in the first place. He's not a relationship kind of guy he's a casual sex kind of guy and I know cuz im a casual sex kind of girl. The same person in different bodies and it feels great when we become one. Maybe I'm not a good person for doing this, but it had to be done. I think this is the last and final straw for whatever they had, they were super ugly together I saw pictures. They were never meant to be and would never go anywhere in life. I'm just glad he's mine now.

Cas' Pov:
I hope he knows that what I said was true. I can't believe I let him use me and break me like that. I feel pathetic and useless. I can't believe I didn't see it when we first started talking, I was mesmerized by him and blinded. In the long run we would never work out and it would only hurt worse. If I were to kill myself when I tried with this even happened? Would he
go back to Ruby? Is even dating anybody right now? He doesn't text me back and he's probably happier that way. He's probably happier not having this nuisance hang around him all the time. He's probably a lot happier without worrying about me being okay because I am a basket case. I care way too much to even think straight right now, he's only thing that's on my mind and its hard when you know he isn't even thinking about you. It's one of those things that hurts the worst and when you dream about someone you a wake up and snap back to reality and in reality they don't give a damn about you. If your breathing or not. They don't care if you're okay or not. And that's the worst part of life, losing someone who was once your everything. It's like losing a part of you and that part of you will never come back. It's the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced. He left and took my heart with him, and that's it. He saw me and my highs and lows and still wanted me. I don't understand how someone can leave so fast, and I don't think I ever will. If he can just up and leave he never loved me in the first place.

Dean's Pov:
I don't really sleep very well all week. I don't know if he's okay or if he's even alive anymore. I hope he's okay and I hope he's alive and I hope he's doing well. I know how this hurts me and it must hurt him pretty bad too. I hope he knows that I'm not lying and I sincerely do still love him. But our time is up, what we had is gone. I don't know if I should call him, text him or even trying to talk to me all. He's probably over me and he's probably trying to move on. I probably shouldn't stop that process, its fundamental in life. You are going to suffer a lot of heart breaks when you're a teenager and I guess this is one of them. I'm not going to make myself feel like this is the worst one because it's not, but a big chunk of me is gone. I don't know how to handle losing somebody, and not to death. I don't know how to react other than blankly staring my wall while listening to music. When people ask me if I'm fine I kind of shrug my shoulders and I don't even find it anymore. What is fine? I used to be able to say I was good, happy, fine without an issue but without him it's like he took all of the good way in life. I can't find enjoyment and anything anymore, even when I have sex not enjoyable. Yes feels good but I don't know if I genuinely like it anymore. I wish one day we'll get back together and everything will be ok.

Cas' Pov:
A month goes by and nothing. Nothing at all from him. I hope he's doing okay in school and everything. I don't think about him as much anymore and I think the feelings are mostly gone. Or at least subdued. Life isn't that bad after all, and school is not as torterous as I thought. Life goes on without someone that you love. I just pretend he's dead so I don't have to think that he's here but just doesn't like me. He is still my everything even if you asked I would still take him back in a heartbeat, it's weird living without him. It's weird not waking up to a text or falling asleep to the Skype call. But you get used to it after a while, just like you used to doing it in the first place. I pull an all nighter before a test, it's a really big test. I get a text at 4 in the morning. I get a text from Dean, and my heart starts racing. I start shaking and getting excited. Does he want me back? Does you want to come see me? Does he still love me? All of these race through my head really fast. And then I remind myself of what he told me. He hates me, everything you told me was a lie. It's probably just reminding me of how bad of a person I am, I was not good enough I was. How can I think such foolish thoughts? I think about it and I start crying. I tried so hard it hurts to breathe and my chest tightens up. I decided after half an hour of staring at my phone I should pick it up and I do. I set my text book aside and I grab my phone and it's terrible I look at the blank screen saying his name and "text message." I slowly undo my phones my pattern lock, and open his texts and there are three words that calm my whole world.

I love you.

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