Chapter 12-Testing, Part 2

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I stood there, too exhausted to be properly angry. My legs were shaking and Caleb immidiantely stepped forward to support me. Normally I would refuse but I gladly accepted his help as he put his arm around me, allowing me to lean into him. We hobbled closer to the others, the snake lying behind us demurely.

"You didn't kill it." Howard whispered, face pale white in either shock or fear I couldn't tell.

"Nah, little guy doesn't seem very dangerous." Very ironic considering it was trying to kill me a minute ago. 

"I...I think you have to kill it Cammie." Nathan said, looking impressed and a little apologetic. I frowned at him

"I'm not gonna kill it now that's it not trying to eat me. That would be mean." The king pursed his lips.

"While I'm not exactly comfortable knowing that the Beast is alive and awake, I can understand your hesitation."

"Wait was it asleep before?" I asked, pulling away from Caleb to sit cross legged on the grass. Everyone looked a little uncomfortable with me sitting down and them standing but I didn't really care.

"The Beast is reincarnated after the Current Queen has her third son but lies sleeping until a challenger approaches." The Prime Minister informed acting very haughty and superior that he knew things I didn't.

"Well maybe it will just go back to sleep now and if not it would make a wicked gaurd dog."  I argued, Nathan and Caleb looked thoughtful but the adults looked exasperated.

"The entire series of tests is a very heavily guarded secret, we can't have a giant mutant snake wondering the kingdom and causing our citizens to pee their pants!" The King said, his mouth pulled down in concern. I looked to the Queen for back up but she looked angry, murderous even.

"Um, is everything alright?" I asked her. She gave me another digusted look and walked back to the car, the King running after her.

"Crap, what did I say?"

"I'm not sure what that was about but let us finish the tests so we can get them overwith." The Prime Minister said, clearly unconcerned that the Queen was upset.

"If I have to fight another beast then I would like to know now."

"No fighting but this final test is one the boy's will not be able to attend. They do not even know what this stage holds for you. Only the Queens and Prime Ministers are allowed to witness and participate in this test."

"I fully disagree with this tradition." Caleb protested. "I'm going to King one day and the Kings of this Nation have a right to know everything that goes on in the land he rules."

"I'm sorry, who said you would be King?" Nathan asked and Caleb smirked.

"In no universe would Cammie ever pick you over me." He said in a teasing voice, ignoring me.

"I resent the fact that I'm not being considered here." Ethan piped up but he blushed under the stare od his older brothers.

"And I resent the fact that you're acting like I'll pick any of you at all." I yelled and the jumped a little. Since I was sitting down they couldn't see me and you know what they say, out of sight, out of mind.

"Also, I love that you guys don't get to know everything. I'll finally have a secret to keep." I went on, standing up and brushingoff my pants.

"Lead the way Howard." He smirked at the boys and started walking towards the trees. I followed him as we went through a maze of roots and it wasn't long before I was hopelessly lost. Could Howard be luring me into the forest to kill me? I mean, he didn't seem like the nicest guy..

"We're here." It didn't look like a good spot to take a test. It seemed no different ffromthe rest of the forest, all trees and underbrush.

"Right....So what now?"

"Now you acceses your magical ancestry and raise the magical wall in front of you." I made a show of looking from side to side.

"Sorry to disappoint you Howard but there's no wall, I think your losing your touch." His jaw clenched and I tried not to grin.

But really, a magical wall? And I was supposed to make it disappear? Should I pull a rabit out of a hat too?

"It's obviously invisible." He said stonily, motioning for me to proceed.

"Obviously." I said, acting serious. "So should I get my wand out or go freestyle?" His face was slowly turning purple in anger.

"But then again I do love to chant...."

"Enough of your nonsense! Simply concentrate on revealing a portion of the wall first since your clearly unable to do anything else."

"Geese, no need to be hurtful..." I mumbled stepping a little closer to the 'wall'. I spread my legs apart like I was about to throw a punch and raised my hands up, plams toward the 'wall'.

"BOOM!" I shouted, pushing forward with my hands. I was about to make another sarcastic xcomment to Howard when  I spotted a small dot of gray floating in the air. As I watched it expanded, growinf wider and reaching upward until it was ten feet tall and stretched farther then I could see. I stumbled back a little bit, stunned that Howard had been right.

I reverently studied my hands and decided to never underestimate them again.

"Well done, I can see you were not expecting me to be right but well done all the same." I looked back at the smug man who was giving me a small smile of approval.

"What is it?" I asked, no longer in the mood to mess with him I tentatively placed my hand on it and found that it was warm and buzzing with energy.

"Like I said, It is a magical wall that keeps any who have malicious intent off palace grounds. Queen Ashley installed this in the 19th century and since then has been a nice object for future queens to prove their magical blood." He turned and started walking away, hands clasped behind him. I hurried to catch up.

"If you would please reinstate the wall's invisibility we can adjourn to the palace."

"Right." I turned back to face the wall, holding out my hands again and focusing on making it invisible. It gradually shrunk back into the gray dot I had seen before and then into nothing.

"From now on you will be taking a magical studies class with me. You are forbidden to let anyone outside of me, the Queen and my son, Walker know about them."

"How come Walker can know?"  Howard stopped walking and gave me a cold smile.

"He's your fourth option, the option to defy the first Queen and return to your original lover. The option to continue down the path of magic and abandon these foolisgh princes."

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