Chapter 13-How long is a fortnight?

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"Oh Gosh, you're trying to set me up with your son." I briskly walked away from and back towards the clearing. The  snake had apparently slithered back into it's hole, there were several men puting up metal bars.

"It's destiny Cambrea! You can mend the mistakes that your ancestors made. Emily abandoned Benjamin and because of that you and your predecessors are under a curse, A curse you can lift!"

I turned sharply to face him, "It doesn't sound like a horrible curse, so I have cool magical powers and I'll have 3sons, whats the big deal?"

"You're forgetting the part where you won't marry the man you love." He said softly. I scowled and started walking faster, but he kept  up just fine.

"I'm too young to even think about marriage right now anyways. And when I do marry, I'll marry someone I  love, even if it's not a stinking prince or your stupid son." I said passionately, waving thecar over.

"They'll never let you marry outside of their family and you should know that. I'm sure right now they have a whole string of dates and seductions planned." We both slid into the car and Howard ordered the driver to take us back to the palace.

"Your just bitter because the Queen didn't pick you." His face stiffened but hisexpression was emotionless.

"Does the king know that you went after his wife?" I went on. "Does anyone know that your trying to hook up your son and I?"

"Just you, the Queen, Walker and I. You must understand Cammie, while I'm not a spiritual descendant of Benjamin I am still his descendant. It's in my blood to love the Queen. Can you understand how choosing Walker would be to your benifit? When Benjamin cursed Emily he made sure the only way it could be broken was if she returned to him." He said pleadingly.

I stared out the window, taking in the tranquil landscapes. I frowned, there was someone banging on the gate, I could see Nathan arguing with them, from the way he was acting he was obviously telling them to go away.

"Stop the car!" I yelled. We jerked to a stop and I ran out of the car and to the gate, a huge grin on my face.

"Cammie!" Jean cried. "I told you she'd come get me!" She said to a scowling Nathan.    

"Open that gate!" I yelled up to the man. He looked over to Nathan who nodded. The ornate iron Gate silently swung open and I ran to hug Jean who looked quite flustered but pleased.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, bewildered as I took in her suitcases and old car that was still running behind her.

"Well, first off you can't even imagine how pissed Iw as when I realized those stupid jerks ditched me!" She snarled at Nathan who looked back innocently.

"And then I called that guy" She pointed again at Nathan. "And he said I couldn't come see you are even talk to you! And Itold him that I was coming no matter what and there was nothing he could do to stop me." I laughed at her slightly childish behaviour.

"That's wonderful Jean!"

"No it's not! I've been treated with the utmost contempt and like I was nothing but dirt!" She cried indigently.

"I know and I'm so sorry that you couldn't come! I tried to force them but-" I stopped midesentence when I heard a loud throat clearing behind me. I turned slowly to see Howard, beat red and furious.

"Howard this is my best friend Jean, Jean this is Prime Minister Howard."

"Pleasure." He said gratingly giving Jeans hand a brief shake.

"May I speak to you for a moment Cambrea?"

"Uh, yeah" I said, reluctanly walking a few feet away from where Jean was glaring at Nathan.

"You must dismiss her at once, this is unprecedented and completely unacceptable!" Howard whisper-yelled.

"She's my best friend and I finished the tests! Since I"m the future queen I say she stays!" I said in an equally angry under-my-breath tone.

"You are not the Queen yet and there are traditions that need to be upheld! Traditions that say from the time you are chosen up to the point when you get engaged are to be shrouded in secrecy! As in no outside parties may witness!"

"I need Jean here! What am I supposed to do all day besides hang out with Jerk, Airhead and too shy to speak?" Howard smirked.

"You can 'hang out' with Walker, I assure you he would be the most worthy friend."

"Ergh!"  I closed my eyes, taking a moment to think.

"Okay, I have a deal. Let her stay and I promise I will hang out with your son on occasion." I said in my best proffesional tone. He looked thoughtful fro a moment.

"I think I would be willing to agree to those terms. But Jean can stay no longer than a fortnight."

He walked back to the car and slid in sending Jean a small wave and a smile.

"Wait!" I hollered after him. "How long is a fortnight?!"

I am so sorry that it's been so long since I lastposted! I promise I will  do better-Kam

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