Chapter 5- Are you pregnant?!

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Edited version as of 2/16/13

I sat in my cluttered truck, tapping my phone against my palm and waiting for courage to find me. Jean was out spreading the news to our friends. I hadn't wanted to hear their congrats or jealous remarks. I didn't want to face the awkward goodbyes so I just sent Jean to do it for me. The real challenge was going to be telling my over enthusiastic foster mom. I knew that I had to face Nancy some time but I really had no idea what I could say to her that wouldn't make this sound like a big deal.

Oh Hey Nancy! I'm good I just wanted to tell you that I'll be spending the next weeks in a palace, taking tests and picking the future king who will also be my future husband.

Husband. I cringed away from the word. There was no way I was ready to get married and rule a nation. I hadn't really planned on being a queen. Maybe an astronaut or nurse, but Queen? Hadn't crossed my mind.

"Ergh." I pulled up my legs and put my head in my hands. I didn't think any of the tests could be harder than this. I could wait till the men came later tonight but she would wonder why I was home early.

I sighed and started typing in Nancy's number on my phone. My heartbeat increased with each ring.

"Cammie? Is something wrong?" She said, I didn't normally call her at school. I could hear her shuffling in the kitchen, probably baking goodies for when I got home.

"Eh, something happened..." I had no idea how to approach this.

"I heard. Your principal called me about you collecting bets for who was going to be chosen, Cammie you know better than to gamble!" She said sternly. I felt a little disgruntled that the principal would take the time to call my mom and tell her about the bets but didn 't mention that I was going to be a queen.

"Technically I wasn't the one gambling but that’s not the point. Something else happened...." I could hear her sigh.

"Cammie, please tell me you didn't join that extremist group against the sons."

"No, I don't care about that." Okay I kinda cared now that they had chosen me but Nancy didn't need to know that. "But your getting closer."

"Cammie what did you do to those poor boys?" She said sharply, I could hear the sound of the mixer in the background and briefly hoped she was making chocolate cake.

"I didn't do anything! They did it to me!" I could hear silence. And when she finally spoke she sounded very shaken and breathy.

"Cammie, did they assault you?! Are you pregnant?!"

"Nancy! How on earth would I know if I was pregnant if they assaulted me? Which they didn't."

"Well then what happened?" I was getting a little offended that she hadn't even considered that maybe they had chosen me. I mean she’d made me get all dressed up for them without any actual expectation with me being noticed?

"They want me to come and take some test at their house." I tried to say it like they were inviting me over for cake but really, some test? If Nancy didn't know what test I was talking about then I was going to throw a fit.

"Who wants you to take a test?" She said in a hushed voice and I knew she was on the edge of exploding.

"The three brothers, you know the one's that visit the school." She let out a noise that sounded like a scream mixed with a gasp.

"I-I always Kn-Knew you were special." It took me a moment to realize she was crying. This was worse than if she had been yelling or screaming to the neighbors that I was going to be queen.

"Oh gosh, Nancy." I tried to figure out what to say but came up empty.

"And n-now you're going to l-leave h-h-home."

"Nonsense Nancy once I'm done taking their dumb test I'm gonna come straight home so things can go back to normal."

"Cammie don't be stupid." Oh so now she stops crying long enough to insult me. "You're going to be there for the rest of your life if you're queen."

"Then you and Steve will move up there." I said stubbornly, drumming my fingers against the dashboard.

"Me? Living in a palace?" She sounded flustered but I knew she like the idea. I heard the bell ring and snapped my head up to see a steady trickle of students going to lunch. No way in heck was I going to face all those questions.

"Nancy I'll be home in five minutes." I said already starting my car, I could already see a couple people walking towards me.

"You can't skip school!"

"The principal already excused me Nancy now I'll see you soon!" She said goodbye and I snapped my phone shut, putting my car in reverse. I really thought that Nancy should straighten out her priorities. I mean, come on, I can't skip one day of school after I get hit with life changing news?

My phone was buzzing like crazy and I knew my classmates were already starting the harrassment. I navigated the crowded parking lot, nearly hitting a student but I didn't like her anyways. Suddenly I heard a moan. What I had thought to be a pile of clothes was now moving and I could see blonde hair poking out of it.

"Kate?"  In my surprise I almost ran a red light and the jerky stop made Kate slam against the dashboard.

"Sorry, you scared me." She rubbed her head but managed to get herself in a sitting position.

"Where are we going?" She said looking at what was obviously not our school. Realizing I couldn't take Kate home with me I performed a very illegal u-turn, wondering if I got any special legal privileges now that I was chosen.

"Back to school." Kate still looked confused but I didn't offer any explanation. I was stil busy absorbing what had happened.

"Wait, are the son's gone?" She asked, twisting in her seat like one of them might pop out of the bed at any second.

"No they left." At least I thought they had. The men in suits had ushered them out of the office pretty fast. Kate visibly relaxed and reached to put her seatbelt on after an expecting look from me. I was a law abiding driver and paranoid of getting into an accident.

"Did they pick someone?"

"Yep." No need to tell her they picked me.

"Well, who did they pick?" I shrugged, I could tell Kate was getting impatient with my brief responses but I was a little overwhelmed.

"Just some girl." The corner of my mouth twitched, threatening a smile.

"I bet she was a snob." Kate said, thinking I was jealous of the girl. I frowned.

"No she's nice and really pretty." I defended turning back into the parking lot.

"Whatever, I pity her anyways. What girl in her right mind would want so much responsibility?" I pulled up to the curb.

"I hear ya Kate." I was definitely not looking forward to the responsibility. Or the marriage. Or the change of lifestyle.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" She said cheerfully waving as she climbed out of the truck.

"I wish." I muttered as I turned back around to head home.

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