Chapter 9

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I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the two boys. Trevor didn't look very phased by Kenny's sudden appearance. Kenny, on the other hand, looked a little angry and a lot hurt.

"She didn't invite me here. I just showed up. Probably for the same reason you're here. I want to know what's going on, but she's not talking." Trevor answered for me. I made a mental note to thank him when Kenny left.

"Why do you even know where she lives?" Kenny asked.

Trevor shrugged. "I've been here before."

"You have?"

"Yep." Trevor said, popping the P.

Kenny looked between me and Trevor. "So you didn't blow me off?"

I narrowed my eyes. "No, but would it really matter if I did? After all the times you have called me or just got up and left to go to Kelly, I think you deserve to be blown off once and while."

"Do you have to keep bringing that up? You think I don't feel bad every single time I have to cancel on you?"

"I don't know. " I mumbled. "Do you?"

He sighed. "Yes. I feel even worse now knowing that you feel like you're my second choice. I can make that up to you though, but only if you stop avoiding me."

"Fine. Now what do you want?" I asked. Yes, that sounded a little rude, but he's getting on my nerves.

"Oh yeah. I need that shirt you stole from me."


"Because my aunt bought it for me, and she's coming into town tonight. My mom says I have to wear that specific shirt, so I need it."

I pouted but went to get the shirt out of my closet. It wasn't anything special, it was just a navy blue t-shirt with a big huge thumbs up on it. Kenny thought it was it was stupid, but I liked it so he gave it to me. I was actually kind of happy I was giving it back. It would smell like him again.

"Will you give it back?" I asked before giving it to him.

He smirked. "Of course I will. Now give it."

I handed him the shirt. He said bye to me, and gave a little nod to Trevor who I actually forgot was there. I watched him leave and closed the door behind him. I'll never be able to explain what that boy does to my heart.

"Obviously I'm going to have the easiest part to this plan." Trevor said.

I turned to look at him. "What?"

"He's jealous of me just spending time with you. If we start acting like a couple, he's going to go crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if I got punched before this is over."

"Kenny is not jealous. He just doesn't like you."

"And why is that?"

"I...I don't know."

"Exactly. He didn't have a problem with me until I started hanging out with you. Imagine what he would do it I held your hand. Oh, and kissing you, that will set him off for sure."

My breathing sped up. I hadn't actually thought about the kissing concept. I've only had like three kisses in my whole life. None had really been that enjoyable, and none of them had lasted more than four seconds. Which obviously means I've never had make out session. I know Trevor has. I know that's what he will probably be expecting too. He'll be disapointed.

"You're scared to kiss me aren't you?" Trevor asked.

"What? No, I just...didn't really think about kissing you when I agreed to this." That sounded stupid. When you go out with someone, it pretty much implies that you will be kissing this person a lot.

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