Chapter 8

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I pushed Kenny's hand away from my mouth. "This is how you get an explanation? By pulling me into a dark room like some creep?!"

"You've been avoiding me all day Andy." He said.

"Because I don't want to talk to you at the moment. Now if you will excuse me, I'm late for class." I tried to get around him, but he blocked me.

"I think you can afford to miss one class. Tell me why you were crying this morning, and why you're avoiding me."

Is it possible to want to kill someone and kiss someone at the same time. If it is, then that's what I want to do right now. I want to kiss this boy like there's no tomorrow, but if he doesn't lay off, I'm going to beat him with a baseball bat.

"Kenny, I'm just not in the mood to deal with anyone today. Now move." I pushed him back, and walked to the door.

"Can I come over today?"

I bit my lip. He would just try and get me to tell him why I've been a avoiding him. I don't want to deal with that. "No."

"Andy please. Kelly's going out of town for the rest of the week. I'm going to be bored."

I felt my face heat up. "Do you honestly think that's going to make me change my mind? You're so stupid! You choosing me after Kelly isn't really that appealing."

"So that's what this is about? You're jealous of Kelly?"

I laughed. "No. Kelly is fine. The problem is you. You just can't get your priorities straight, and it drives me crazy."

"I have my priorities straight! I just...have issues saying no to her."

I sighed. "I'm just tired of coming in second Kenny."

As I walked out the door, I almost started crying again. Why can't we have a conversation without arguing these days? I have a feeling Trevor has something to do with it. Kenny doesn't like him, and I guess he's determined to keep me away from him. To bad that won't work.

I walked into class, and recieved a glare from the teacher. I apologized and sat down in my seat. I had completely forgotten Kenny was in this class too, so he came walking in right after me. I'm sure that looked great.

Trevor looked from me to Kenny, putting two and two together, and then pulled his phone out. I got mine out too, since I knew he was going to text me. I was right. Not a minute later, I had a text from Trevor.

If I promise not to ask about anything that's happened today, can I come over tonight?

I thought about it. I'm sure he will ask something. He probably wouldn't want to come over if none of this happened today. The thing is, I could explain this to him. He knows exactly what's going on because he's part of the plan. So why not?

Sure. Just show up whenever.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and tried to pay attention for the rest of class.


The whole rest of the day went slow. I was still trying to avoid Kenny. Trevor wasn't as annoying, probably because he knew I was letting him come over today, and he didn't want to ruin that.

I was able to get to my car without anyone trying to talk to me. I saw Kenny standing beside his truck. I really wasn't mad at him. I didn't want him thinking I was, so I smiled a small smile and waved. He gave a head nod, but didn't seem to want to talk. That's fine with me.

I got home quickly. Of course Jake was shirtless when I walked in the door.

"Put on some clothes!" I yelled.

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