Something to Believe in

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I turn the corner and see the Refuge out of the corner of my eye. A wagon with two nuns carries a load a food. I know that it is supposed to be feed to the refugees, but Synder cooks it up for himself. That's is my chance.

I take a rock from the ground and toss it beside, but not too close to the wagon. The nuns look over towards the noise confused. I take this opportunity to jump on the back of the wagon. There is some type of fabric laying by a bucket of bread. I take that fabric and cover me so the guards nor nuns know that I am there.

The wagon starts slowing down. They must have passed the Refuge's gates. The wagon halts to complete stop. Oh no! I did not think that far. "Thank you for the food Sister Mary." I hear a guard's voice say.

"Anything we can do to bless those troubled children." The nun said, which I'm guessing is Sister Mary. The guard takes the bucket and barrels of food off. I felt the wagon rise without the wait of all that grub. I know it's going to go to Synder's own personal all you can eat buffet.

The wagon starts to move again. If I stay on it I'll miss my chance to see Crutchie. I slow pull back the fabric covering me, so the nuns don't hear me. They are turning around to head back out of the gates. I see a stack of barrels and boxes that I can hide against. While the wagon makes its turn I hop off quickly an scurry over to that stack and hide behind it.

The wagon leaves and the guards close the gates. Great, now how am I supposed to leave? Maybe they didn't lock the gates. Yeah, if I remember correctly the guards don't carry a set of keys. Perfect. Now that I now I can leave safely, I can continue with my plan. (It is not much a plan as it is just me making up things as I go.)

There is a fire escape. It's the way to see him. Only problem with that though is that some guard is standing close by it.

I look around me for something that can help me out. My fingers trace a old wooden board. I could use this in a way sorta like a base ball bat. I've punched Delanceys before I'm sure I can knock out some old 40 something.

I take my skirt and tuck the edge to my waist. That way I can run freely away from him if this plan doesn't work. I tighten my laces on my boots so I trip on the laces. I can't let this fail.

Slowing walking towards the man hoping he doesn't notice me even though I am standing out in the middle for him to see me. I hush my foot steps. But one thing I did not count on was a brick. That brick tripped me and I fell to the ground with a huge thump. Let's just say he noticed me.

"What the hell?" He muttered. He is most likely shocked that a girl appeared out of nowhere. "Surprising. I know." I scowl out at him. He starts running at me. I pick my self off my the ground and charge him. I swing the wooden board at lighting speed to his head. He falls down to the ground. Oh my! I just assaulted a grown man. That is so different that kicking Morris and Oscar Delancey.

I drop the wooden board and look around to be positive that no one else was there. I kick the guy's side to make sure that he is knocked out cold.

I get in the fire escape and climb up the floor where they keep the kids locked up. It has bars on the windows so I know it's the one. The candles are lit, I can tell by the little bit of light seeping through the cheap white curtains.

I wiggle my fist in between the iron bars and pound on the glass. Nothing happens for 8 seconds. I count because I am nervous. There is a tug on the curtains. Someone must be back there.

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