Chapter 24; Awkward Period Convos Be Like...

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-3 Years and 6 Months Later-

"You ready?" Ani asks, crouching down to Luke's level.

Luke's birthday was yesterday, and now he's our precious 3 year old baby boy.

"Yep" He says, hugging dad.

"Heyyy! So am I!!!" Little Leia says, running over to them.

Turns out, I was carrying twins.

I almost passed during Leia's birth, which scared the shit outta Ani.

"I know you are my little princess" Ani says, opening his arms for both of them.

While they have their moment, I meet up with Yoda by the doorway.

"How are they?" He asks.

"Nervous" I reply, laughing.

"Fine, they will be. Strong, they both are" He says, and I nod, smiling.

"It's just hard leaving them" I say, and he nods.

"Truly leaving them, you are not. In their heart, you will always be" He says, kinda not helping my situation.

"New apprentices, you both must teach" Yoda says, once Ani comes back, Leia in his arms and Luke by his feet.

"Yep. Yes we do" Ani says, putting Leia down, as they both run into the room, meeting up with their friends.

Luke and Leia are always around the palace with us, so they've met quite a few people already.

"We actually have to go now, Hannah" Ani says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah" I breathe out, smiling at Leia acting like a queen.

"Luke" I whisper, kneeling down to his level.

He was always more of the nervous one, trusting in his father. Leia seemed to be more confident, but always came to me for things.

"You're gonna come back, right?" He asks, hugging me tightly.

"I promise" I say, kissing his cheek.

"I will always come back" I say, and he nods.

"Bye Bye Daddy" He says, waving to dad and heading inside.

"Bye mommy!" Leia calls, waving to me from inside.

I laugh through my small tears and wave back to her.

"A brave face, you must put on" Yoda says, as I stand up.

"Very real, this threat is" Yoda says, and I go into Jedi mode.

"We'll be careful" Me and Ani say at the same time, and Yoda dismisses us.

"Be careful with Isabelle," I say to Ani as we get to the ship yard.

Him and Izzy were going to the system Grada for negotiations and general training, while me and Hayden were going to Hoth for systems check-ups and training as well.

"I CALL R2!" Me and Ani yell at the same time, and glare at each other.

After a few seconds, I smirk and Ani breaks.

"Fine, R4 let's go" Ani says, and the Red droid climbs his ship, the familiar blue one going to mine.

"Masters, both of your padawons are already on board and prepped for takeoff" One of the guards say, and we both nod, dismissing him.

"I'll see you in a year" I breathe out, and Ani nods.

"Call often, K?" He says, hugging me tight.

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