Chapter 10; Downhill from here

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Hannah's POV:

-5 months later-

When I ran out that day, the council sent me to a private mission on a far away system, alone. As a test.

Bullshit test if you ask me.

But now I'm back.

The mission had a lot of downtime.

Like, a lot

So, I improved my skills, did things Kina refused to let me try.

I started using the force more, and after a month, stopped talking to my father again.

I lost a lot of weight. I used to be about 150, now I'm about 110.

My hair's grown out a lot, and I never have it in that stupid style I used to do with my bangs out.

I either have it down but French braided out of my face, or up in a lose but tight pony tail.

I'm mentally stronger too.

I don't cry anymore, there's no reason to. Nothing can hurt me anymore.

I've replaced sadness with anger.

Not talking to Ani in 5 months has been hard on both of us, but I was denied all communication with other padawons, I could only talk to my father or the other masters.

But now, as I'm walking down the familiar hallway to the council, my hair up in a ponytail swinging behind me, people stare and whisper who I was.

One look from me and they shutup.

The power is undeniable.

I knock on the door, pulling it open once I hear Yoda's voice.

A few of their eyes widen in surprise, but both Master Windu and Master Yoda stay expressionless.

"Masters" I say, bowing my head slightly.

They return the gesture, and I look dead at Master Windu.

"We wanted to welcome you back, and ask how everything went. We lost communications with you for a while there. Was it, Master Kenobi, who was the last to hear from you verbally?" Master Windu asks, looking between me and dad for confrontation.

"Yes, sir. I figured staying totally focused on the task at hand was best for me and the mission" I say strongly, even though it was a bullshit lie.

"Lie, you do" Master Yoda says, and a few murmurs are heard.

"What's the real reason you stopped communicating to us?" Windu asks.

"I was mad. And I didn't want my anger to affect my place with you. It was the best option" I say.

"to ignore a problem, it is never good to do" Yoda says, and I nod.

"Understood" I say, and I'm dismissed.

"Wait, Hannah" Master Windu says, and I walk back to the center.

"We just got word from another master in battle. They need your help now. They need a sharp shooter and a pilot. Go" a random master says, and as I leave dad interjects.

"Why not send Anakin? He hasn't done anything in a whil-"

"And he needs to focus on his current assignment."

"But he's a better fighter!" Dad argues, and I look at him shocked.

Master Windu looks at Dad in part shock part cockiness.

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