The Party

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I slip into my short gold dress that flares out. I grab my black heels and bag as I re-curl my hair and put on light makeup. I drive to Rebeccas house which looked like it had the whole school in that house. It was crazy as music was blaring through it. I park my car and then walk into Rebeccas house.

"Heeeeeeeey Laaaaccceeeeyyy." Drunken people I didn't even know slur at me. I waved to be polite but kept on walking to find somebody I know. I soon come across Rebecca who was dressed in a short hot pink dress with her long red hair straight.

"Lacey! So glad you could make it!" She says.

"Thanks glad I could come." I replied.

"Ya have a drink party." She says as she hands me a red cup.

"Uhh thanks." I say as I take a sip out of the cup.

"No problem well I'll see you later." She says.

"Ok bye." I say. I then walk over to the drink table and get more drinks. I soon chug them down as I keep getting more. I then turn to the door as I notice Harry walk in. I turn and chug two more drinks just for the hell of it as Harry walks over to me, but sadly that was the last thing I remembered. Stupid alcohol.


"BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!" My alarm sounded off. I slam my fist agianst it as I groan. Why was my alarm going off on a Saturday? I sit up but my head was pounding. What happened last night? I was in my room. I was still in my party dress and I could feel my hair being natty and gross. I groan as I pull my self out of bed to see a nicely writen note on my bed side table. the note said,

Dear Lacey,

Last night was a blast with you! We are definitely doing that again. You had alot to drink so I carried you home and put you in bed. (don't worry your parents didn't catch you). Call me when you get this note?

-Harry xx

Wait what? Did Harry really bring me home last night? I mean the last thing I remember was Harry walking over to me and me chugging down some drinks. Oh God. What did I do last night?

I decide to take a shower and get this alcohol smell off me first. When I got out I slipped into some gray sweatpants and a white v neck. I then decide it was time to call Harry. After three short rings he picks up the phone.

"Hello?" He says into his phone.

"Hey Harry its Lacey." I say to him.

"Oh hey Lacey." He says.

"Hi I just wanted to thank you for bringing me home last night... it means alot." I say to him.

"Ya no problem. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He says.

"Thanks Harry." I say.

"No problem Lace." He says.

"Well I'll see you Monday. Thanks again bye." I say.

"Bye Lacey." He says and after that the line goes dead. Now to find out what I did last night. I call Delilah first. She awnsers on the first ring.

"Hello?"She says frantically into the phone.

"Hey Delilah." I say.

"Hey Lacey sorry I'm waiting on a call.... uh got to go bye." She says as she hands up. Well that was strange. I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up and wait till Monday. I decide to grab my laptop and go on Facebook. I check it and see I have 30 new notifications and 146 new friend request! What the heck? I check the notifications and see there was photos of me from last night. The first photo was of me dancing....with Harry. The second photo was me getting drinks..... with Harry. The third picture was me on the dance floor MAKING OUT WITH HARRY! I click on the comments. Almost all of them were perverted from rugby team but one comment catches my eye, it says

"Wow good job Bennett." from: Amber Hill. One of the girls who gave me my challenge. I knew what this ment, my challenge was soon complete.


heyyy guyyyys. I have a new story idea and I'm in love with this idea but I'm think I'm gonna finish this one before I start that one. but don't worry this book isn't over and wont be over for a long long while. so keep reading and voting and fanning me! thanks

~olivia :)

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