Beauty Marked part 8

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~ golden goat bar and inn


My bed didn't feel the same. I shifted to find my spot, the spot that made me sink further into the sheets, just so, where it felt like bliss. It wasn't there. My eyes fluttered open to take in the small bedroom with the rustic interior, staring at the rough wooden beams holding up the ceiling. That's right- I'd left home. This wasn't my bed, or my room, a sudden prickle of excitement ran through my skin. There were no windows in this room, making me even more anxious to get outside and see how everything looked. Talk to people and look around the town for the first time!

I practically hopped out if the bed as a knock came on the door. I looked in the mirror on the small vanity, I looked ok. I could run a brush through my hair before I left perhaps, but I looked ok enough to see Bernard. "Come in"

Bernard tentatively opened the door, it was a funny sight seeing such a big burly man like him acting so cautiously. Once he looked at me seeing I was fully dressed he seemed to relax a bit and smiled, letting himself in. "Good morning ma’ dear," shutting the door behind him. "How'd you sleep? I know what I have is quite different than what you're used to." He sounded almost, embarrassed about what he had to offer. I raised my hands in assurance "No, no it was quite fine. I'm just excited to get to see the town today." He lost the smile we were sharing. "About that... I can't lead you through the town. I have to stay here and run my shop and I would feel more comfortable if you could stay inside."

I pouted with my hand on my hip. Was he serious? " Bernard please? I'm a big girl I can go by myself." I stated firmly. He instantly shook his head but I stopped him before he could argue. "I've never even been in town before and this may be my only chance to see it! I promise to stay close, and not talk to anyone shady. If I have any problems I promise i'll come running back. So please give me one good reason why I can't go alone?" I looked at him with big eyes catching his gaze before he shook his head furiously to escape it, almost like last night.

"Alright. Fine, but we're going to play by my rules or else you're staying in this room until the two days are up, ok? " gosh, he was just as protective as Gren. But I was winning so I nodded in agreement.

"You will wear your cloak at all times, hood up. Don't show your face to anyone unless you have to, and try not to make eye contact." I thought that a bit strange but considering people may come looking for me I didn't question it and just figured that the reason.

" Don't speak to anyone unless you have to, the less contact you have with people the better... I won't have to worry about you as much if I know you're not talking to people." Seemed fair the whole not talking to strangers thing.

"And finally, and probably most important... Come back before dark. You don't know who's out there at night and if it does start to get dark make sure you're covered up as much as possible....wouldn't want you catching a cold on me."

Though some of the requests seemed strange I nodded in agreement. "You won't have to worry Bernard, i'll be fine." He caved a bit at that and smiled lightly, "Keep in mind I'm trusting you with this ok? If anything happens to you not only will I hear about it from Gren but I myself would be rather upset." I was touched at how much he cared, but I was also so ready to go outside!

"I'll be fine, so can I go now? " he laughed at my excitement.

" You did wake up a little late didn't you? It’s almost afternoon. Yes fine, but when you come downstairs I'll have a shopping list for you, since you'll be in the plaza anyways would you mind picking up some stuff for me?" "Oh of course not! I'd be happy to, especially since you let me stay and all it’s the least I can do." "Yes. Well, enjoy it while you can, i'll be returning you tomorrow evening " my heart sank slightly at this- he really was hell bent on this two day thing... Bernard stood and went to the door." Alright ma’ dear daylights burning, come downstairs when you're ready."

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