pt 7

244 10 1

A New World

Many stellar cycles passed by and Lunar Chase has matured a lot. But that doesn't mean that she doesn't act like the teen she is. The death of Teevo has toughen her up which made the Decepticons pleased. No one wants a weakling on their side.

She learned the real reason behind her experience with The Box. It was in order to strengthen her up since the Decepticons have new plans that involves a foreign planet. And they didn't want her lagging behind them.

She went through a major upgrade with her blasters and swords because they were a bit obsolete. I didn't hurt her that much like before but she was still pretty groggy after her surgery.

Lunar Chase was in charge of the Miners and collecting Energon since Starscream was busy building a space bridge that connected Cybertron to the foreign planet.

She was caught into battles and had to offline several Autobots but she tried her best not to show her sour expression when she was covered in their Energon.

During the past stellar cycles, Lunar Chase created a strong bond with Soundwave which the others found weird since the bot doesn't talk much but she seems very comfortable around him. She also created a bond with Knock Out and Breakdown but since she is growing up and getting curves, and knowing the pervert/flirt Knock Out is, she tries to keep out of his reach of his servoes.

Lunar Chase sigh to herself. She was sitting on the entrance to Kaon, which had a huge statue of Megatron, which she is sitting next to his foot.

Cybertron is dying. There's going to be nothing left soon. Am I going to stationed here with other drones to retrieve any Energon left. Or will Lord Megatron and Starscream take me to that foreign planet with me on the Nemesis?

The first time she saw the Nemesis, she was still young, a few orbital cycles after Teevo's death, and she was amazed at the sight of it. Most of her brethren were going with Megatron to unknown planets and so were Doc Knock and Assistant Breakdown and Soundwave. Even though Starscream was pretty upset to be return to Cybertron five stellar cycles after their departure, he couldn't say much. And he was also stuck with Lunar Chase.

She couldn't talk to him that much since he was very busy and Lunar Chase didn't want to get yelled at. But he was kind enough to explain the planets he and the crew visit.

"Nothing much. Most were barren wastelands while others were too unstable for us to be on. But a blue and green planet known Earth caught our optics. But there were already organic life living on that planet. But that didn't stop us from making camp there. What? You want to know how the organics look like? Fine. They're tiny and weak. Step on them and they're offlined. They have different sexes, just like we do. Now, run along. I'm busy."

Again, Lunar Chase sighed to herself.

It sounds so interesting but I'm stuck on a soon to be dead planet! No offense Cybertron.

Lunar Chase decided to stop sulking around and see how the space bridge is developing so far. She jumped off the structure and carefully landed on the ground. As she walked, she began to remember stuff from her childhood.

She remember the time when she suddenly got the hiccups and couldn't stop for three days. The whole crew went bananas, having to hear her hiccuping nonstop.


"Someone make her stop already!!!" Yelled Starscream as he slammed his fist on a nearby wall.

"We're trying to sir but nothing seems to work." Said Steve as he placed both hands on her mouth, to at least to muffle her hiccups but everyone was still able to hear it.

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