pt 3

277 14 4

Baby Steps

"Come on Lunar Chase, you can do it!" said Teevo, a miner drone.

It has been three orbital cycles and it was Teevo's turn to take care of Lunar Chase. He decided to spend his day teaching her how to walk. He found a room where it wasn't being used and started helping Lunar Chase take her first sparkling steps. He would grab her by the arms, pick her up until she was on her feet and have her take steps. Of course she would struggle and stumble but he was there to pick her up.

Lunar Chase was enjoying this but she wanted to wonder out the halls and show everyone that she's learning how to walk. When he was letting her to rest, she quickly crawled towards the door and pat on it.

Teevo look at her. "What's wrong? You want to go outside?"

She kept on hitting but with more force. Teevo sigh, "Alright."

He picked her up, cradle her in his arms and left the room. Once they were outside, Lunar Chase began to struggle to get out of his arms. "Now what?"

She reached her hands towards the ground and he realized what she meant. "You want to practice out here?"

She giggled loudly, as if it was her way of saying 'yes'. He placed her on the ground, grabbed her arms and began to slowly walk with her. She took small, wobbly, steps but had a big grin on her face. The more they 'walked', the more drones they encountered. Some just kept on walking, ignoring them while most were cheering Lunar Chase on.

"You can do it!"

"Atta girl!"

"Just one foot after the other."

Lunar Chase was enjoying this moment and she laugh loudly and wanted to clap her hands but they were in the grip of Teevo's hands. As the minutes went by, Lunar Chase was getting the patterned right and Teevo saw this so he decided to slowly let go. Lunar Chase slightly lost her balance but regain it and kept on walking. The drones around her stop and stare to see if she would successfully walk right.

"Go Lunar Chase!"

"That's how you do it!"

"Now don't fall!"

But then she lost her footing and fell onto her butt. Everyone let out a defeated 'aw' and continued walking. Teevo picked her back onto her feet. "You almost had it. Now let's try it again. Okay?"


After a hard day work of walking, Lunar Chase and Teevo went to recharge time. The room was quiet and no one was around to wake them up. Well, at least, wake up Teevo. Lunar Chase couldn't go to sleep and began to crawl around her bed. She reached the ledge and saw that the ground wasn't so far away. She wanted to get down and wander around. She began to look around, finding an escape route.


A few cycles have passed and Lunar Chase left the recharge room and entered the hallway. She crawled around happily but noticed that no bot was around. The more she wandered, the more frightened she was getting. She was all alone and she just realized that leaving the room was a bad idea. She began to whimper in fear and put her hands on the wall, thinking that it was a door but nothing happened.

She fell on her butt and sat there, frightened and alone.


Soundwave was working all nighter, seeing if everything was in check. So far, nothing was wrong. He changed to another camera and examine the hallway. He saw Lunar Chase, sitting on the ground, crying.

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