pt 6

250 11 2

Fight and Survive

Lunar Chase was awoken by her fellow drones and they took her to the med bay. Her steps were small and slow, wishing that time would move slower. But in a couple of minutes, Lunar Chase was laying the berth and had her body go numb. Drowsiness overcame her and she began to feel sleepy.

"Now, you might feel some pain but bare through it. It will be over before you know it." Knock Out told her as he ready his tools.

Her body was so numb that she didn't know what circuits he was arranging to fit the weapons. But she would feel pinches on her left arm and she would twitch in surprise. She heard clanking and a whirring sound and, even though she was numb but she felt her arms got heavy.

Hours went by and she began to get some feel to her body. She laid there, a bit numb, and decided to sit up but her arms send a wave of pain and she yelled. She laid back down and held in more of her screams. The door slid open and she look up. Knock Out and Megatron walked in. Lunar Chase quickly look down and pretend to be asleep.

"Are you sure you did your job right in connecting the curved blade and the triple-barrel gun correctly?" He ask in a harsh tone.

"Of course I did, Lord Megatron. In a couple of minutes and she will be ready to start her tests."

"She better be. I don't want her to go to waste since those drones raised her for 9 stellar cycles for nothing! And make sure that she learns how to summon her weapons quickly so we can move on with our schedule."

"Yes Lord Megatron."

She heard the door slid open, a few thundering footsteps, and the door slid closed, signifying that he was gone. Knock Out relax, finally getting away from his presence. He walk up to the berth and stared at Lunar Chase.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now."

She onlined her optics and stared at him. "How did you know I was pretending?"

"Your body looked all tense. Now, let's see if you can sit up."

"Already tried that. Pain surged throughout my body."

"Well, your gonna have to try again. Now come on, up you go."

Lunar Chase slowly sat up but the pain in her arms made her want to lay back down. But Knock Out put his hand behind her back and force her up.

"In ordinary cases, I would let my patience rest up but since you have something very important ahead of you, you must get up."

"Yeah yeah. Urgh, getting light-headed..."

In a few mintues, Lunar Chase was on her stabilizing servos but her arms felt like led. They just dangled as though laundry hanging on a line.

"Okay, let's see if you can switch from servos to weapons."

All she did was stare at him. "And how in the Pit am I supposed to do that?!"

"Oh right. You never had to transforms. Well, how do I explain this?"

But he couldn't think of anything so he thought of another method. He summoned his chainsaw and charged at her.

"What are you---whoa!!"

Lunar Chase quickly dodge his dangerous swing and got some distance between them. He charged again but this time, Lunar Chase was gonna shield herself with her arms, even though they felt really heavy. But as she raised them, her hands changed to a gun and sword. Knock Out's chainsaw clashed with her blade and she put strength onto her legs and feet so that she won't be pushed back.

TFP: UnexpectedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt