pt 4

298 13 1

A Run In With The Wrong Bot

"You can't catch me!" Lunar Chase squeal in delight as she ran down the corridors.

It has been two cycles and Lunar Chase has learned properly run and talk. And her favorite pass time is hide-and-go-seek which she just learn because some drones arrived back from Earth and told her everything about it that they know of. She couldn't wait when she old enough to visit off worlds. But right now, she trying to enjoy her sparkling-hood.

As she ran down the corridors, three drones were pursuing her. The one's who partake in this little human game were Steve, Mike, and Teevo.

"Primus...who would have thought she could run so fast!" Teevo said as he tried his best not to give up the chase.

"Well, her name does have 'chase' in it so I wouldn't be surprised." answered Steve who was at the brink of giving up.

"Sure she's fast but we didn't know that she could keep that speed for so many cycles!" Said Mike.

They could hear her giggles down the corridors and her teasing. "Come on guys! You could do better than that! And you call yourselves Decepticons!"

"Just you want Lunar Chase! When I get my servos on you, you'll regret those words!" Mike yelled back at her which made her squeal in delight,

Lunar Chase was getting really excited that she ran faster. She made a turn but almost crashed into other drones. "Sorry! Gotta run!"

They were use to her sudden appearances and continue walking until Steve, Teevo, and Mika crash into the group of drones. She heard complains and yelling behind her and all she did was grin.

Now's the best time to find a new hiding place!

Lunar Chase made another turn, looked around to make sure no one was around, and she entered a random room. The room was slightly dark but after a few nano-cycles, her optics adjusted to the dark. She looked around and saw that the room she decided to hide in was someone's chamber. The room was big! But there wasn't much to see because there was no decorations or anything like that. She walk around, she heard soft humming sound. She stop and look around until her optics fell upon a berth.

She slowly approached it and tried getting up but she was slightly short. She grabbed the edge of the berth and with all her might, she pulled herself up. She took in a deep, sharp breath and stayed still.

In front of her was a recharging Starscream.

She never got this close to the Second In-Command. This was the first time. Sure she saw him ordering her brethren or see him prowl the corridors. He kind of scared her but not as much as Megatron. Scary, but not frightening.

But to her surprise, he look calm and cool. There was no sign of aggression or that narcissistic smirk. But between him and Knock Out, the red medic was more narcissistic than the Commander.

She just stared at him as he recharged. She slowly lowered herself and quietly stepped away from the berth.

Oh Primus, imagine if I actually woke up him. I would have been scrapped!

She decided to leave the room before anything bad happens. The door opened and she quietly walked out but she look back at him one more time then left. She quietly jogged down the hall and once she knew that she was far away, she ran.

"There you are!"

Lunar Chas heard Mike's voice. She look back and saw the trio coming right at her. With a huge grin on her face plate, she begun to run down the many corridors.

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